Bird In A Cage

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Fuck it.
Excuse my language.
Really, I'm sorry if that was abrasive.
But you know what,
Life is abrasive.
And I mean it.
I'm so tired of feeling things I shouldn't.
I'm so tired of being my own punching bag.
And I'm SO tired of giving into my own crap.
I guess I'm in love.
That doesn't go away.
And yes I mess up.
But I'm freaking human, that's how it goes.
I'm done telling myself what I did wrong.
I'm done second guessing myself just because of someone else.
Life sucks sometimes.
But death seems pretty shitty too.
I'd rather scream at the top of my lungs.
And deal with the sore throat.
Than stay quiet.
And deal with the pounding headache.
But sometimes you still have to take it.
But I'm done with not being me.
And I'm done with being ashamed of me.
I am not an object.
My words mean something.
You cannot pin me down.
Whoever you is.
My family
My friends
My enemies
My loves
It doesn't matter
Because I'm done with it.
I'm ready to look at the sky and see life
Not emptiness.
I have dreams
And ideas
So I'm going to bring them to life
With the music in my ears
And the wind on my face
I'm done being tired
I'm tired of being done
So fuck it.

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