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"Come on, Azzi! Lock in!" Paige yelled at her.

"Don't yell at me." Azzi spoke softly before passing the ball to Paige.

Paige face soften, "I'm sorry." She smiled at her, "Didn't mean to upset the people's princess." She dribbled the ball.

Azzi rolled her eyes, "You're not sorry. If you were you wouldn't have done it." She walked up to her, crossing her arms over her chest, "Dumbo." She flicked Paige on the forehead, causing her to wince. "Ow!" She rubbed the now red mark on her forehead.

"Haha." Azzi stuck her tongue out before walking off fastly.

I quickly looked down, playing with my nails, "So weird." I mumbled to myself. I could feel myself get upset at how close they acted with each other. I know I couldn't be jealous because Paige doesn't look at me in that way but it still made me feel some type of way. It wasn't that deep but my crush on her was.

"Nervous?" Solana came and sat next to me, "You're playing with your fingernails. That's a nervous Inara thing." She laughed.

"Nervous about what?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

Solana gave me that look, "Let's be foreal." She said, "Paige of course."

"It's not because of Paige, Lana." I rolled my eyes.

Solana sat back for a second, "Is it because we're on the basketball court?" Bingo, "Their just playing around. Go shoot some hoops, Nara." She tapped my shoulder, "You're not scared, are you?" She joked.

I let out a small laugh, "Scared of what?"

"Falling." She said.

I shook my head, "Nah."

Lana sat up, "Look, you're sitting here on the side all alone while everybody else is on the other side of the gym. Don't be lame, Nara. You came out for a reason."

"And do what, Lana? I don't feel like getting up." I side eyed her, "And you're right. I'm sitting over here alone and that's how I want it to stay. Just leave me alone." I kind of snapped at her.

Solana kind of looked taken back at what I said, "Wow." Her jaw dropped, "You're being an asshole to me? That's how we feeling? the fuck is wrong with you?" She scoffed before getting up and joining everybody else on the other side of the gym.

I continued to pick at my nails. Maybe I was a little too hard on her but I wasn't in the mood. It was also the whole being on the court thing but I didn't tell them that this morning my mom called and said that my grandpa wasn't getting better. I wasn't going to come out the house today but I didn't want to look so suspicious but I don't think I'm doing a very good job.

"You good?" Suddenly a familiar voice sat next to me.

I looked over, "Hey Paige." I gave her a closed lip smile. "And yes, I'm fine." I lied.

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