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After the wedding, the princess remained in Sera, as it was now her home, while Seokjin prepared to move to Hydra with Namjoon. The journey from Sera to Hydra took several days, during which Namjoon and his soldiers did their utmost to ensure Seokjin's comfort.

Seokjin's assigned head guard, Choi Seungcheol, was a tall, sturdy, and cheerful man. Seokjin and Jeonghan initially found him quite charming—until they witnessed him hunting down a wild boar that charged toward their tents. Seungcheol had effortlessly defeated the boar and carried it to the cooking tents, smiling at them as if it were nothing.

Soon, they reached Hydra at night, where Hoseok had already prepared a cozy room for Seokjin and Jeonghan. According to Hydra's tradition, the grooms could only sleep together or consummate their marriage after receiving the blessings from their ancestors.

As dawn broke over the Kingdom of Hydra, the morning light filtered into the grand chambers where Seokjin now resided. The palace, a blend of elegance and history, had halls adorned with centuries-old tapestries and priceless artifacts. For Seokjin, it was a world both mesmerizing and daunting, a stark contrast to the familiarity of his home in Sera.

Seokjin awoke in his new bed, the silk sheets feeling foreign against his skin. He glanced around the room, taking in the opulent surroundings. Despite the beauty, a sense of loneliness crept over him. This place, so rich and grand, felt like a gilded cage. He longed for the simplicity of his swing in the courtyard, the only place where he had felt a semblance of peace.

His thoughts were interrupted by a gentle knock on the door. Jeonghan, his loyal attendant, entered with a tray of breakfast.

"Good morning, Your Highness," Jeonghan said softly, placing the tray on a nearby table. "How did you sleep?"

Seokjin managed a small smile. "As well as one can in a new place, Jeonghan. Thank you for always being by my side."

Jeonghan bowed slightly. "Always, Your Highness. Today, you have your first official duties as Namjoon's consort. The court will be watching closely."

Seokjin nodded, a knot forming in his stomach. The reality of his new role weighed heavily on him. He was no longer just the prince shunned by his family; he was now the consort of one of the most powerful men in Hydra. The responsibility was immense, and he feared he might not live up to the expectations.

Namjoon stood by the window of his study, lost in thought. The events of the previous day replayed in his mind. His gaze drifted to the scroll on his desk, the marriage decree that had bound him to Seokjin. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Was this marriage just another duty, or was there something more to it?

He heard a soft knock on the door, and Yoongi entered, his expression calm and composed.

"My Lord, Consort Seokjin is ready for the ancestral greeting," Yoongi said.

Namjoon nodded, trying to push aside his conflicting emotions. "Thank you, Yoongi. Let's go."

As they walked to the ancestral grounds, Namjoon couldn't help but glance at Seokjin. The prince looked serene, yet there was a vulnerability in his eyes that Namjoon couldn't ignore. He felt a strange pull towards Seokjin, an urge to protect him, but he questioned if it was genuine affection or merely his sense of duty.

"Are you feeling alright?" Namjoon asked softly as they walked side by side.

Seokjin offered a small smile. "A bit nervous, but I understand the importance of this tradition. I want to honor your ancestors."

Namjoon nodded. "It's a significant ceremony. Our ancestors' blessings are believed to guide us in our marriage and future endeavors."

Seokjin took a deep breath. "I hope they find me worthy."

Namjoon stopped and turned to face Seokjin, his expression earnest. "You are worthy, Seokjin. More than you know."

Seokjin's eyes met Namjoon's, and for a moment, the world seemed to fade away. There was a connection, a spark that neither could deny. Namjoon felt his heart race, wondering if this feeling was love or merely the weight of their shared destiny.
The ancestral grounds were a sacred space, far from the main palace, surrounded by ancient trees and a sense of timelessness. The air was thick with the scent of incense and the soft murmur of prayers.

As Namjoon and Seokjin approached the altar, the priest greeted them with a solemn nod. The ceremony began with offerings and prayers, invoking the blessings of their ancestors.

Namjoon watched as Seokjin participated with grace and sincerity. Despite his initial reservations, he felt a growing admiration for his new consort. Seokjin's dedication shone through, making Namjoon question his earlier doubts.

When the ceremony concluded, the priest declared, "The ancestors have blessed this union. May your marriage be filled with love, harmony, and prosperity."

Namjoon turned to Seokjin, a newfound respect in his eyes. "Thank you for doing this, Seokjin."

Seokjin smiled softly. "We are in this together, Namjoon. I want to make this work."

As they walked back to the palace, Namjoon and Seokjin shared a quiet moment. The journey to understanding and love was just beginning, and both felt the weight of their roles pressing down on them.

In his chambers, Namjoon found himself staring at the wedding bands on his finger. Was this attraction he felt for Seokjin genuine love, or was it simply the allure of something new and beautiful? He couldn't deny the stirrings of his heart, but he also knew that time would reveal the truth of their bond.

Meanwhile, Seokjin stood by the window of his room, looking out at the vast kingdom of Hydra. The grandeur and mystery of this place were overwhelming, yet there was a strange sense of hope within him. Could Namjoon be the one he had longed for? Or was this marriage just another chapter in the queen's devious plots?

*Somewhere Unknown*

Unbeknownst to the newlyweds, the Crown Prince of Hydra watched from the shadows, his eyes filled with regret and jealousy. He had believed the rumors and left such a beauty to a mere duke, but now, seeing Seokjin's grace and elegance, he seethed with envy.

"They may have their moment now," he muttered to himself, "but I will take what is rightfully mine. Namjoon and Seokjin's story is just beginning, but they will soon learn that not everyone wishes them well."


To be back soon ヾ( ̄▽ ̄) Bye~Bye~

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