The Grand Ball

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The atmosphere in the Duke's palace was electric. The grand hall was adorned with magnificent decorations, and the excitement was palpable. Namjoon had made sure that the event was not only for the nobles but also for his people. He had informed Hoseok to distribute packs of sweets to the common folks, a gesture that had filled the hearts of the people with joy. The news that their beloved Duke now had someone to love and cherish had spread like wildfire, and the entire state was in high spirits. Crystal chandeliers cast a warm glow over the richly decorated hall, and the air was filled with the delicate scent of fresh flowers. Nobles from both Hydra and Sera mingled, their laughter and chatter creating a vibrant symphony. The event was flawlessly orchestrated, a testament to the meticulous planning and effort that had gone into its preparation.

Namjoon stood at the head of the room, addressing the gathered guests with his usual composed authority. "Welcome, everyone, to this joyous occasion. Tonight, we celebrate not only the union of two hearts but also the strengthening of bonds between our two great kingdoms. Let us raise our glasses to new beginnings and a future of peace and prosperity."As the guests cheered and clinked their glasses, Yoongi moved gracefully through the crowd, welcoming dignitaries and ensuring everyone felt at ease. His calm demeanor and sharp eyes missed nothing, and his presence added a layer of refinement to the evening.

*Jungkook's POV*

Meanwhile, Jungkook had just finished a thorough inspection of the security arrangements. Satisfied that everything was in order, he made his way to his chambers to get ready for the ball. Taehyung was there, assisting him with his attire.

"Umm, Jungkook," Taehyung called softly as the warlord was buttoning his shirt.

Jungkook looked up from the buttons and met Taehyung's gaze. Despite the circumstances of their marriage, which had never allowed them to start on the right foot, he couldn't deny his husband's beauty. Their union had been more of a duty, forced by Taehyung's family to ensure an heir, leading to their son Yeonjun. They had only been intimate once, and that experience had left a shadow over their relationship.

"Yes?" Jungkook asked, sensing an underlying tension in Taehyung's eyes.

"My family is also invited," Taehyung began, his voice hesitant. "And my father sent a letter. He wants to speak to you about something of great importance."

Their eyes met, and Jungkook saw the unease in Taehyung's gaze. Despite his composed exterior, Taehyung's eyes always revealed his true feelings. Jungkook could tell that his father-in-law's presence was not something Taehyung was looking forward to.

"I will meet him after the ball," Jungkook said firmly, stepping closer to Taehyung. His hands moved to Taehyung's waist, maintaining eye contact. "By tomorrow afternoon, I will inform him personally. You don't have to worry about it."

Taehyung nodded, appreciating Jungkook's support. He helped Jungkook with his clothes, their fingers brushing against each other in a rare moment of closeness. Despite the strained nature of their marriage, there was a flicker of hope in Taehyung's heart that things could improve.

*Back to the Ball*

As the evening progressed, the announcer's voice echoed through the hall. "Announcing the entrance of Prince Seokjin, Consort to Duke Namjoon of Hydra."

All eyes turned towards the grand staircase. Seokjin appeared, looking ethereal in a white suit chosen by Taehyung. The room seemed to hold its breath. To Namjoon, time stood still. Seokjin looked like an angel descended from the heavens, his presence commanding attention and admiration.

Namjoon snapped back to reality as the announcer continued, "Announcing the entrance of the Jeon couple."

Namjoon moved swiftly towards Seokjin, taking his hand. "You look stunning," he whispered.

Seokjin smiled, his cheeks flushing slightly. "Thank you, My lord. The palace looks beautiful."
The ball was in full swing when the music for the newlyweds' dance began to play. Namjoon led Seokjin to the center of the hall, and they began to dance. Namjoon marveled at how perfectly Seokjin's waist fit in his arms, how his eyes shone brighter than the moon, and how his lips looked more inviting than the sweetest fruits.

As they twirled gracefully, Namjoon whispered, "You dance beautifully."

Seokjin's smile was radiant. "Thank you, Namjoon. You make it easy."

Lost in the moment, Namjoon found himself captivated by Seokjin's beauty and grace. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their own private universe.

The music stopped, bringing Namjoon out of his daydream. The guests applauded, and the couple bowed gracefully before making their way back to their seats. Jungkook and Taehyung approached them, their faces beaming with happiness.

"You two were amazing," Taehyung exclaimed. "It was like watching a fairy tale."

Jungkook nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. The entire hall was mesmerized."

Seokjin smiled warmly. "Thank you, Taehyung, Jungkook. It means a lot to us."

As the night drew to a close, the guests enjoyed a sumptuous dinner before retiring for the night. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and joy. However, not everyone was pleased with the night's events. From the shadows, the Crown Prince of Hydra watched the happy couples with a dark expression.

"He doesn't deserve this," he muttered to himself, crushing the glass of wine in his hand. "That should have been my place. But I'll make sure I get what is rightfully mine."

A soft, melodious voice interrupted his brooding. "I wouldn't be hurting myself for something so easy, Your Highness."

The Crown Prince turned to see a beautiful girl standing before him, accompanied by the Duke's cousin, Park Leehyun.

Leehyun smiled slyly. "I would listen to Princess Jia if I were you, Your Highness."

The Crown Prince narrowed his eyes. "And why have you both graced me with your presence?"

Princess Jia, Seokjin's sister, gave a knowing smile. "Oh, should we take this somewhere private? I wouldn't want anyone to overhear our conversation."

The Crown Prince hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Lead the way."

The three of them plotted in hushed tones, their whispers filled with schemes and promises. As the night wore on, the seeds of betrayal were sown, threatening to unravel the newly formed bond between Namjoon and Seokjin.

Unbeknownst to the happy couple, their love story was already under siege, and the path ahead was fraught with danger and deception.

will be back soon ヾ( ̄▽ ̄) Bye~Bye~

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