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As the festivities commenced, the guests gathered in the opulent halls of the Palace of Sera, eagerly anticipating the culmination of the day's events—the wedding of the Princess of Hydra and the Prime Minister's son of Sera. The air was alive with excitement and anticipation, and the palace buzzed with the energy of celebration.

With the exchange of vows and the sealing of their union, the newlyweds radiated with joy and happiness, their love evident in every glance and touch. Adorned in resplendent attire, they made a stunning sight as they embarked on the journey of marriage together, surrounded by the blessings and well-wishes of their guests.

As the ceremony drew to a close, applause filled the air, echoing through the grand halls of the palace. It was a moment of triumph and jubilation, a testament to the power of love and unity to transcend boundaries and forge bonds of friendship between kingdoms.

And yet, amidst the revelry, there lingered an undercurrent of anticipation—a sense of anticipation for the main event that was yet to come. For now, it was time for the Duke of Aurora, Kim Namjoon, and Prince Seokjin of Sera to take center stage, their union poised to mark a new chapter in the history of their kingdoms.

*Duke and Prince's Marriage*

As the musicians began to play, signaling the start of the ceremony, all eyes turned towards the entrance of the grand hall. The guests watched in awe as the King of Sera made his way down the aisle, his regal presence commanding the attention of all who beheld him. And by his side, like an ethereal vision, stood Prince Seokjin, resplendent in a pristine white suit adorned with diamonds, a symbol of purity and grace.

There was a collective gasp of astonishment as Seokjin glided down the aisle, his every movement exuding an air of elegance and refinement. His eyes remained downcast, adding an air of mystery to his already enchanting presence, while in his hands, he carried a bouquet of exquisite flowers, a testament to the beauty of nature that surrounded them.

As Seokjin reached the altar, the King of Sera placed his hand in Namjoon's, a silent gesture of trust and acceptance. Namjoon, in turn, gently guided Seokjin up the steps, his heart swelling with a mixture of awe and reverence for the angelic figure before him.

As Namjoon's eyes locked with Seokjin's, time seemed to stand still, the world around them fading into insignificance. In that moment, he felt as though he was gazing into the very depths of the cosmos, captivated by the sheer beauty and depth that radiated from Seokjin's eyes. It was as if the entire universe had converged in those soulful orbs, drawing Namjoon into their mesmerizing embrace.

With a start, Namjoon remembered his solemn vow, the weight of the moment crashing down upon him. He listened intently as Seokjin recited his own promise, the words echoing with a sincerity and conviction that stirred something deep within Namjoon's heart.

As the priest posed the question, the gravity of the moment hung heavy in the air. Namjoon's voice was steady as he affirmed his commitment, his gaze unwavering as he declared, "I do."

Seokjin's response was equally resolute, his voice ringing out with a quiet strength as he echoed Namjoon's words, "I do."

With the exchange of rings, their union was sealed, a tangible symbol of their love and commitment to one another. And as the kings of Hydra and Sera affixed their signatures to the peace treaty, a sense of hope and optimism filled the room, as if the promise of a brighter future lay within their grasp.

As Namjoon and Seokjin stood together, their hands intertwined, they reveled in the joy of their union, unaware of the shadow that loomed over their burgeoning love story. Little did they know that the Crown Prince of Hydra, heir to the throne and harbinger of malice, watched their union with envy and resentment.

Their love story had barely begun, yet already, the couple found themselves ensnared in the webs of intrigue and deceit spun by those with ill intentions. Rumors swirled, fueled by jealousy and spite, casting doubt upon the legitimacy of their union and drawing the unwanted attention of those who sought to undermine their happiness.

For the Crown Prince, the sight of Seokjin, his former betrothed, now bound to another, ignited a firestorm of rage and jealousy within him. Consumed by a sense of entitlement, he saw the union as an affront to his pride and a betrayal of his birthright.

As Namjoon and Seokjin looked towards the future with hope and optimism, they remained oblivious to the dangers that lurked in the shadows, threatening to tear them apart before their love story had even truly begun. For amidst the whispers of treachery and deceit, their bond would be put to the ultimate test, as they navigated the perilous waters of palace politics and royal intrigue, determined to defy the odds and forge a path to happiness together.

what do you all think about the Crown Prince and who is it?

I'll be back with more soon (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤️~

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