41 - First Date (2)

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Peering up at Jungkook through his thick lashes, Jimin could tell that the Alpha was deadly serious despite the smile on his face. He swallowed, hard. Rather than fearful, this kind of confession made him feel... thrilled. Exhilarated. The cell in his entire body trilled and sang at the prospect of surrendering his everything under the Alpha's mercy. He even had the urge to retort so that he could test where Jungkook's bottom line lay.

But in the end... his skin was not thick enough to attempt something so damn bold. Not when they were in broad daylight where the neighbors could easily see into the car. He abruptly recalled Jungkook saying that his car windows were not tinted and at the realization of that, his entire body turned stiff. He swept his nervous gaze around.

Nobody had caught them in the act, right...?

"Don't worry," Jungkook gently pinched Jimin's chin to draw his attention. He had easily guessed the direction of Jimin's thought. And the notion that the omega could still feel bashful at a time like this amused him to no end. "If there are people around, do you think I will let you do as you please?" His tone contained endless mirth, and Jimin knew that he was being teased again.

However, Jungkook was really telling the truth. As early as when Jimin suddenly pulled him into a kiss, he had grown alert of their surroundings for fear that someone would see them. He did not want Jimin's reputation in the neighborhood to be in shambles. His omega's dignity was infinitely more important than his own lust and desire.

"Answer me," Jungkook demanded in a soft yet gentle tone as he rubbed his finger on Jimin's chin, watching as a tint of pink spread from the point of touch. "Will you tease me again? Hmm?"

Jimin pursed his lips. The place where Jungkook was touching felt very, very hot and the heat quickly exploded to his entire body. His face was so red as if it was dripping blood. His keen instinct told him that if he did not comply with Jungkook's words right now, then he would really end up in bed for the rest of the day. When all was said and done, it was not only Jungkook who had been looking forward to their date.

"...I won't." He decided to take a step back. For now.

"Good boy." Jungkook's lips tugged into a satisfied smile as he ruffled Jimin's silky hair. They took a few long minutes to suppress their own desires, then after making sure that they had not forgotten anything, Jungkook started the car. He flashed an excited grin at the person beside him. "Ready for our first date?"

Jimin held the bouquet in his hands. He lowered his lashes and the flush on his earlobes, which had barely subsided, deepened again. "...Mn."


Jungkook's plan for the date was simple. Both of them preferred serene and tranquil places so Jungkook immediately crossed out any crowded location such as shopping district, amusement park, arcade or karaoke.

At first, he hesitated between going to an aquarium, art museum or taking a hike, but in the end, it was Jimin who made the final decision.

Today, the weather was in complete sync with Jungkook's mood — bright, clear and sunny. Fluffy clouds drifted across the clear blue sky and even though the sun was out, the air around the mountain range was crisp and fresh.

Jungkook took a deep breath and felt his body and soul being washed anew. It was so comfortable that his smile had not ceased ever since. He tilted his head and saw Jimin who had no problem at keeping up with him, and his smile became all the more brilliant. As expected, his Jimin was truly the most special of all. He offered a hand for the omega. "Careful, the area ahead is quite steep and uneven."

Jimin cast him a speechless look. He wanted to say that compared to the terrain he had trekked during years of his job as a criminal investigator, this mountain which was specially opened for recreation was not difficult at all. He would not even trip even if he walked with his eyes closed. However, when he looked at Jungkook's bunny smile and the hand offered to him, he found himself unable to utter even a word.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now