11. Without Me

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11. Without Me

I saw you last night
With another woman
You're holding her hands so tight
Like you used to hold mine.

Then our eyes met
Yours with surprise, while mine with confusion
You ran towards me
And then you explained everything.

But after saying some words
I interrupted you
Saying, "I love you, but I saw that you love her more
So I guess this is the right time to leave you now."

I tried to walk away
But you grabbed my hand
Begging to stay for a while
And fix this again.

But I released your hand
And started to walk away
Saying to myself, "Don't ever look back"
While holding my tears that are ready to fall.

Then tonight, I'm just here alone in my house
Wondering where are you now
I guess that you are finally happy
— Without me, but with someone else.

From My Purple Soul (Book 1: English Poems) ✓Where stories live. Discover now