14. Just What If?

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14. Just What If?

What if you said you still love me?
Am I going to love you again?
What if you said that you would wait for the right time?
Will you do that? For how long?

What if I said that I love you too?
Are you going to love me more?
What if I said I miss you so much?
How about you?

What if we didn't know each other?
What were our lives now?
What if we weren't destined to each other?
Are we both satisfied with our different partners?

What if one of us dies?
What would we do after that?
Are we going to have some bargain for those crossroad demons?
Or maybe we just stab ourselves as Juliet did?

What if all of this isn't real?
Are we going to turn it into reality?
What if all this was just a dream?
Are we going to wake up even if we don't want to?

From My Purple Soul (Book 1: English Poems) ✓Where stories live. Discover now