19. Farewell For Someone Who Left Me

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19. Farewell For Someone Who Left Me

We're in the middle of the night
Where I can still hear your voice so clear
Even if I can't see you now in my sight,
I don't want to have a single tear.

I will always remember all of those mornings with your smile starting to glow
And all of those touches and affection that we both wanted to feel
Those picnics we had beside the streams where waterlilies flow
I will always remember how my broken heart healed:
It's because of your true, passionate kiss.

But now, I am feeling kind of seasick
After you left me, you are still my man I miss
And the only man that I always pick
I still have a farewell message for you to do to send
But even if you leave me now all alone, my love for you will never end.

From My Purple Soul (Book 1: English Poems) ✓Where stories live. Discover now