Chapter 7

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Luicá woke up in the middle of the night she checked her phone (luicá) "what time is it..5:39?" Luicá got up and went upstairs and grabbed the clothes in the washer and put it in the dryer she went to the kitchen and started to clean the dishes and mop the floor after all that it was 6:50 (luicá mind) "what day is it? Uh it's Saturday." Luicá got a text message it's was from Amelia luicá open the message

Amelia: hey luicá I was wondering if you wanted to come over at my place I have a little something for you babe 😘

Luicá : umm sure I guess?

And the conversation end (luicá) that was weird and what her little something for me?" Luicá grabbed a pan, oil and eggs and made sunny side up and Luz came downstairs (Luz) "good morning luicá." (Luicá) "good morning Luz, you want sunny side up or scrambled eggs for breakfast?" (Luz) "Scrambled eggs!"

(Luicá) alright scrambled eggs coming up for luz noceda luicá put her sunny side up on her plate and made luz's eggs and gave it to her. (Luz) "thanks luicá." (luicá) "your welcome Luz." Luicá sat down and started to eat her breakfast luicá finished her food and wash her dish. The dryer beeped luicá grabbed her clothes and went downstairs and fixed her clothes and put it in her closet she looked at the time again (luicá mind) mhmm 7:20 maybe I could write some more I ideas for the new song.." Luicá grabbed her notebook and started to write down lyrics some were good and some she crumbled up and threw it on the floor a while luicá stopped (luicá) "finally I'm done!" She looked at the floor and there was a pile of paper balls everywhere

(luicá) "did I really used that much paper?" Luicá got up and picked up all the balls and threw them in the trash can. Camila came downstairs and saw paper balls on the floor Camila sighed (Camila) "Luicá remember to throw the trash out okay." (Luicá) "ok mom I will." Camila went back upstairs and shut the door luicá continued to pick up the balls and throw them away after that she looked at the time 12:40 (luicá) did I really spent 4 hours and sum minutes on a song.."luicá remember that Amelia wanted her to go to her house luicá put different clothes on and grab her car keys.. (luicá)

" hey Luz and hunter have you guys seen my car keys?" (Luz) "Hunter is using it he said that his car died!"

(Luicá) "fuckkk." (Luz) "NO CUSSING IN THE HOUSE LUICÁ! And remember that mom said throw out the trash luicá!"Luicá rolled her eyes (luicá) whatever you say Luz."

Luicá grabs her skateboard and the trash

Luicá walks out the house luicá puts the trash in the dumpster and got on the skateboard and skate to Amelia's house. Luicá finally made it there she walked up to the door and knocked. Then a girl opens the door she had the same green hair like Amelia but a bit darker green like pine green (???) hello cutie what brings you here? (Luicá) "hello I'm here for Amelia." (???) and what you business with my sister? (Luicá)

" she said that she want to hang out..." then a other person came around the corner inside of the house it's was a other green head person but it was a boy (???) Emria who's that? (Emria) a girl that's looking for Amelia (luicá) so you guys are twins?

(Emria) "yeah his name is Edric..I didn't get you name cutie (luicá) "my name is luicá." Edric and Emria look at each other and smirked. (Emria) "luicá you say?" Yeah luicá said. (Edric) come In luicá." Emria opened the door widely luicá was suspicious about this whole thing but her enters the house Emria and Edric drag her to upstairs (luicá) hey guys where are we going?

(Both of them) "it's surprise luicá!" They finally brought her to a room and they entered and sat her on

The bed (Edric) "luicá you stay right there will come back." Both emria and Edric left the room and shut the door luicá laid on the bed and scrolled through her phone 8 minutes later luicá was just looking around in the room (luicás mind) "where are those two bastards." Then the door opened luicá looked who it was ed and em are going to get it I hope they didn't message someone.. it was Amelia but it looked like she just came out the shower luicá just stared at Amelia. Amelia shut her door and locked it she took off her towel and threw it on the bed the towel went on luicás face luicá pulled it off her face and saw Amelia stared at luicá they just both stared (luicá) "hey..Amelia." (Amelia) "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE LUICÁ!" (Luicá) so was this the surprise you were going to show me? Because I- (Amelia) "SHUT UP! AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN SURPRISE?!" Amelia grabbed her towel and covered herself up (Amelia) "who let you in here." (Luicá) Edric and Emria. (Amelia) I'm going to kill them and what do you mean about the surprise thing.

(Luicá) "you texted me that you went me to come over because you have a surprise for me.." Amelia sighed (Amelia) I'll deal wait them later can you just close your eyes I have to put on clothes. Luicá nodded (Amelia) "and if you peek I will kick your ass luicá." (Luicá) "I promise I won't peek." Luicá closed her eyes and Amelia changed into pjs (Amelia) "you can open your eyes luicá." Luicá opens her eyes Amelia laid on her bed (luicá) Soo what are we going to do?" (Amelia) "I'm going to sleep." Amelia closed her eyes. (Luicá) "your so boring Amelia." Luicá starts to poke Amelia's face (Amelia) "can you stop." (Luicá) "no I'm bored Ameliaaa." (Amelia) "then go do something, go play video with my brother or something Luicá I'm tired."Luicá got up and left the room and went downstairs to the living room and saw one of the twins (luicá) hello Ed (Edric) ah hey luicá did you get your little surprise? Edric started to laugh Luicá sat on the couch (luicá) very funny Edric,

So whatcha playing ed (Edric) "Mario kart but Emria didn't want toy play do you what to play with me luicá." (Luicá) uh yeah I'm the best at Mario kart (Edric) "yeah sure luicá."

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