Foster Care

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Wow. Is all I can after what happened last night. I was saved by Cory Monteith. Aka Finn Christopher Hudson from Glee. Like holy mother's molasses!! Okay Heidi calm your self down. Your blood pressure's going to up and the doctor is going to panic. As I turned on the tv, an episode of glee comes on. It's Season 4. The I Do episode which is my favorite of all time!! And the perfect scene comes on the perfect timing. It's when Rachel and Finn sing We've Got Tonight. The feels are kicking in. I love Finchel so much!!
Then a man comes in. Breakfast time!
"Here you go Heidi. Enjoy kiddo!" The man said as he dropped off my food
"Thanks Dan." I replied.
(Meanwhile with Cory and Lea)
" are my girls doing?" Cory said as he looked at his new born daughter.
"We're doing fine." Lea smiled as she looked at their sleeping daughter
"There's something I've been wanting to discuss with you about." Cory mentioned as he grabbed a chair and sat next to Lea.
"What is it Cory?" She asked now all puzzled
Cory explained what went on last night. Lea was shocked. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"That poor sweet innocent girl. Why would she run away? There has to be a reason." Lea said as she sat up more to check her phone.
"There is. She was abused by her father. He would come home every night drunk and beat her. But last night she got away before he got home. Who knows what he could've done to her if she never left. We have to help her Lea. She needs a family who loves her and would never hurt her." Cory explained
"I know sweetie. That's why I want her to come home with us tomorrow. We'll be her foster parents until adoption is complete and she's officially ours." Lea smiled at Cory
"Are you serious? Your the best!" Cory smiled back
"Okay easy there tiger. Don't wake up Sophia now." Lea said as she looked at Sophia to make sure Cory didn't wake her up.
"Oh right. Sorry." Cory said as he calmed himself down.
"Why don't you go down and tell Heidi? I'm sure she'll be thrilled." Lea smiled at Cory
"Okay. I'll be back soon." Cory replied as he left the room to go tell Heidi the great news.
When he got to her room, he knocked on the door.
"Come in!" I yelled as i message my friends and watch glee
"Hey Heidi." Cory said as he sat down next to me.
"Oh hey Cory. What's up?" I asked as i put down my phone. Why is he all perky this morning?
"I'm good. Lea's good. Baby's good. I came down here because I wanted to tell you something that you could be thrilled about." He replied as he looked at the tv noticing that I was watching glee.
"What is it?" I asked. I'm so confused. I getting adopted by Cory and Lea? Nah no chance!
"Well I talked to Lea and she said it would be best if you come to stay with us. We'll be your foster parents for now but possibly after a few days or a week, you'll be our official adopted daughter. But only if you want to. I just don't want you living with your father anymore after what he's done to you. You don't deserve to live like that. At all." Cory explained to me.
Sounds really nice. I mean I'll have a family. And it's a fresh start.
"Will you give me us chance Heidi?" Cory asked me
I thought about it for a few minutes as I stare at him. Into his eyes. His sky blue eyes.
"Yes." I finally say. Hope this is all worth it. If not, I'm running off.
"Awesome. I'll go talk to the doctor." He said as he got up to talk to my doctor.
I can see them discuss. My doctor looks okay with the plan. He comes in with Cory.
"Hello Heidi. Cory was talking to me and told me the news. Do you want to go with Cory tonight? He'll be back tomorrow morning to get Lea and their daughter. But it's up to you. Do you feel better to be discharged today?" The doctor asked me
I nodded yes.
"Okay then. Well let's get this wrist band off of you so you don't beep coming out." He chuckled as he took scissors and cut my wrist band off.
I'm free from this hell hole!!!
Usually I'm not excited to go home but today I do. Wow. Home. Haven't said that in a good way in a very long time.
Well time to get dressed into normal clothes and time to pack my things.

Few hours later, I finally walk out of the hospital. But not alone. With Cory. My foster dad. I want to hold his hand like a five year old but I hesitated. I thought about it. Then, I slowly took my hand and started to slowly hold his. He looked at me, then at our hands.
(Cory's POV)
I felt someone hold my hand. I take a look down at my hand. It's Heidi. She's holding my hand. Is she warming up to me already? I thought it would be awhile before she trusted me. This could be chance. I walk over with Heidi to my truck and place her things in the back. She hops in the front passenger seat. Shot gun. Then I hop in to my seat.
"Ready to go home?" I asked as I start up the car and begin to pull out.
"Yea." She smirked.
I check the time on the radio. It's 8:30pm.
"After we drop your things off at my place do you want to go for ice cream?" I ask Heidi as she takes off her earbuds
"Sure. I'd like that." She smiled. Nothing big yet. Still small.
"Okay." I reply back
When we arrived at my place, we dropped Heidi's things off in the living room for now. I don't want her to see where she's staying yet until we're officially home for the night. Mine and Lea's house have 3 bedrooms. Heidi looks around.
"You guys have a nice place." She complimented as she walks back towards me
"Thanks. I hope you like it here." I replied as we both walk back out to get some ice cream.
We drive to my favorite ice cream shop. Ben and Jerry's. We walk in and we were up next to order.
"What can I get you?" The girl asked
"You first Heidi. It's on me." I said to her as she still looks for a flavor to get
(Heidi's POV)
Omg there's so many flavor's to choose from! But I'm gonna have to go with half baked cookie dough.
I told the girl what flavor I wanted
"That's my favorite too." Cory whispered
Then it was his turn.
A few minutes go by and we got to talk and got to know each other a bit more. I'm going to be honest, but Cory is not a bad guy. He's actually pretty cool. He loves hockey, he goes snowboarding, and surfing. And while not on set of glee he does other movies like recently he was in McCanick which was amazing. I cried everything that damn cop tried to kill him or shoot him. He might actually have my trust. He might be the person to make me have trust in men again. And I just love that.
We're driving back home. Yes I said home. It's 9:30pm. I'm so tired. I can hardly keep my eyes open. I lean my head against the car window and just watch the night sky as we drive back to their place. My eyes begin to get heavy. Then heavier, and heavier until I can't keep them open.
I fall asleep.
(Cory's POV)
I pull into the drive way. And click on the bottom to open the garage. I then pull into the garage and turn off the truck. The light turns on in the truck.
"Hey Heidi. We're-" I say as I look over to find Heidi sound asleep. I lean over to her and shake her a little bit.
Her eyes open and she lifts her head up.
"We're home sweetheart." I whispered to her
She nods and grabs her things from the back and heads into the house with me. I show her to her room. I turn the light on.
"It's not much but once you start staying here for more than a few days, then this will all change." I explained to her.
Heidi looks so exhausted.
(Heidi's POV)
I'm so exhausted.
"I'll let you unpack. I'll be back to see if your all settled." Cory said as he left my new room.
The room is nice. I like it. The bed is huge like legit. I begin to un pack my things and took out a t-shirt, and pj pants. I go into my bathroom and started to get ready for bed. After I was done, I took the rest of my stuff and placed it all on the floor for now. I take out my phone charger and plug it in and stuck on phone on it for the night. I place my phone on my night stand and crawl into bed. Cause well you know, I'm still half asleep.
My eyes are still heavy. They begin to shut.
I have fallen back to sleep.
Cory was suppose to come back and see if I'm okay and settled in.
Oh well.
(Cory's POV) I knock on the door and walk into Heidi's room. She's already in bed. Fast asleep. All I can do is smile. I'm glad me and Lea took her in. She needs a family. Who loves and cares about her.
I walk over to her and sit beside her. I begin to stroke her hair and push some away from her face. I lean over and kiss her on head.
"Goodnight baby girl." I whisper as I get up and turn her light off. I leave her door cracked.

Heidi's home. Safe and sound.

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