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as always, this does not reflect the actors in any way. this is a work of fiction and should not be confused as reality. this is born from my imagination, this is not real.

also i made cirrus boss' older brother and this is a parallel universe version of him where he's not cold and that's the hill i am dying on okay uwu

thank you <3

Stompers tapped against the train floor. Noeul side eyed Boss' shaking leg before placing a comforting hand on top of his knee.

The shaking stopped immediately, but Noeul still knew to ask, "You okay, baby?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine," Boss replied with a tight smile. "Just a bit nervous is all."

"Me too," Noeul said, reaching for Boss' hand and lacing their fingers together. "But I'm sure everything will be fine."

Boss nodded, the creases on his forehead lessening. He squeezed Noeul's hand before turning to look out the window, watching as the world sped past them.

In about twenty minutes or so they would be in Busan. The couple bought tickets for midday hoping to arrive a bit before dinnertime, trying to get a little time in between their journey and the family dinner.

Cirrus, Boss' brother, would be the one picking them up, not wanting them to have to pay for a taxi when he's available and eager to meet Noeul. He even offered to drive them back to the train station when the weekend was over, to which Boss suspiciously agreed too. He claimed it was because Cirrus had never been this nice to him before. Noeul reminded him that it was over a year since he last saw him face-to-face.

"I don't know..." Boss had grumped, not entirely convinced by Noeul's reasoning. "He's seen pics of you..."

Noeul had to bite back a laugh. "You think he's gonna try something on me?"

"Maybe! I don't know—I wouldn't blame him. You're stunning and perfect and otherworldly and—"

Noeul had quieted him with a kiss. "Please, you know my heart belongs to you."

Noeul smiled at the memory, lifting Boss' hand to give his knuckles a kiss. Boss giggled and leaned over to press his lips to Noeul's temple, some of the edge he was feeling easing away, the effect the older had over him.

Over thirty minutes later, they were heading out of the train station with bags in tow when a booming voice disrupted the bustling crowd.


It caught Noeul off guard just how loud someone could be. He even swore the ground shook a bit, but he quickly forgot about it when he caught sight of a thin man with dark brown hair wearing a mask that showed off big eyes barreling towards them. This was definitely Boss' brother and Noeul knew he was in for one hell of a ride.

"Cirrus," Boss sighed, readjusting his bag as his brother came closer. He wasn't slowing down.

Noeul took a precautious step back.

He watched as Boss was nearly tackled to the ground, the only thing saving the pair from falling being Boss' unmatched strength.

Pressing his palm to his mouth, Noeul muffled his laugh as the siblings hugged borderline violently, swaying side to side like they were trying to beat out the other in who can squeeze harder. It was an amusing sight that was gaining lots of looks from passersby, but the two kept at it until they were grunting and heaving away from each other.

"It's been fucking forever, dude!" Cirrus yelled out excitedly.

Boss shook his head. "It hasn't even been a full year," he dismissed with a chuckle.

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