so it goes

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note from the author:  there's a lot of discussions of death in this chapter. it's meant to be comforting, but it may still be painful for some. i highly advise that if you're uncomfortable to not read please. thank you <3


It had been nearly two weeks since their date and unfortunately, neither boys could find any time to escape to one another other than the occasional meet up after Noeul's restorative class.

Even then, Boss had to leave almost immediately because he had to get home to do some work. He never left without giving Noeul a suffocating hug and a shining smile.

"I'll call you tonight," he would say, staring down at Noeul with those beautiful eyes, and later he would fulfill his words in the middle of the night. Noeul knew he would—they've called each other every day since he wrote his number on Boss' arm but having him announce it made Noeul feel all fuzzy inside.

Boss was very busy with an ample commission given to him the day after their date with a grave deadline for what the commissioner wanted. He had told Noeul he usually doesn't take requests like this, but the commissioner sent him a hefty down payment and guaranteed more money after the painting was completed, and who was Boss to turn it down.

Noeul remembered when Boss was letting him know, the anxious lilt to his voice when he said, "I hope you understand."

"Oh, honey, please don't worry. We'll make time when we have it, okay?" Noeul assured. He didn't want Boss thinking he was an overbearing partner. He understood that things just don't match up the way they hope but that doesn't mean things have to fall apart.

That was proven further when Noeul became preoccupied with a service taking place in a couple weeks that his father gave him total control over.

That meant Noeul was responsible with receiving the expired and embalming their body, consulting with the family, noting the details they wished to have for the service, completing and maintaining documents for the funeral home and the surviving family, and many more jobs that had Noeul's head spinning.

In short, Noeul came home mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted from school and work and the only time he could relax was deep into the night when he should be getting more rest, instead spending the time to talk to Boss.

Somehow Boss always managed to call at the exact time Noeul's head hit the pillow, his sweet voice and sweet words making him melt into the sheets.

The night before the service as well as the eve of the commission's due date, the two stayed up much later than they should have to remedy one another.

"You're doing amazing, Noeul. You're working so hard right now, but you haven't complained once. You love what you're doing, and it shines a lot with how much of your heart you're putting into this service. I know you'll do the family justice and make your dad proud." Boss had said to him last night, and those words were keeping him driven today as he placed the finishing touches along the service room.

Wiping away the sweat from his brow, Noeul gave a once over of the yellow flowers decorating the front of the room, nodding in satisfaction at the display. Beautiful white ribbons sat on either side of the table the casket lied upon, all of which was picked by the family with tearful remembrance.

A portrait of the deceased stared back at Noeul with a bright, young smile, filling Noeul with comfort and gloom. He only hoped the mourning would feel just a fraction of the same.

Connecting with these people and seeing their sad smiles and wet eyes brought a heaviness to Noeul's heart. A minuscule part of him dreaded getting used to feeling.

to the grave, a bossnoeul storyWhere stories live. Discover now