open hearts

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It didn't take much convincing for his dad to let him have a picnic in the cemetery.

Mostly because Noeul didn't ask.

He was currently trying to smuggle everything he needed as discretely as possible into the graveyard without any of the ground keepers catching him.

For the most part, he was successful, placing a soft pink blanket next to the bushes outlining the cemetery. He made sure to keep some distance from anyone's resting place, not wanting to be disrespectful towards the deceased.

The property was a bit out of the way from Noeul's apartment, needing to be out of the city to have space for the buried loved ones. Fields of green and cement covered the entirety of the home's backyard, a tranquil pond for those visiting to stare off into as they remembered the ones they lost.

Despite what sadness resides, Noeul found comfort here, a familiarity that he was trusting to share with Boss, who he knew would never judge finding peace in such a place.

He brought a basket filled with chocolate covered strawberries and a few regular ones, an array of macaroons, and two types of sandwiches in case Boss preferred meat or happened to be vegetarian or vegan like Noeul. There were also two hello kitty glasses for the bottle of non-alcoholic wine he brought and a couple of matching plates and napkins.

The sun was beginning to set, the sky dimmer, the air chillier, and Noeul was becoming more and more nervous as the time Boss would be arriving drew nearer.

He busied himself with setting up the picnic, cautiously placing the food in a presentable fashion, fretting over its perfection. Boss had spent so much time and effort in the gifts for him, it wouldn't be fair if Noeul didn't give him the same treatment for their first date.

In the middle of rearranging the strawberries for the umpteenth time, his phone buzzed. It was Boss.

boss 🖤
so uhhhhhh
where do i go
like im here
but where are u

ok so go alllll the way to the left
like just keep turning left until u cant
find the biggest angel statue
and then look for a blob of pink
aka me

He received a thumbs up emoji, and that's when the nerves really started kicking in.

He fluffed up his hair a bit, praying that the curls he styled stayed nice for at least most of their date. He smoothed out his clothes, a simple pink sweatshirt that cropped right above the edge of his ripped pale blue jeans. Underneath the jeans he wore pink thigh highs in case it got too chilly, the color popping out between the rips.

Taking a compact mirror out of his bag, Noeul checked his makeup, satisfied with the dark brown outlining his eyes and the soft shade of pink on his cheeks. For extra measures, he reapplied a thin layer of nude lipstick before tucking his things away.

It was right at that moment when Noeul spotted a black Audi pulling up behind his car, no doubt belonging to Boss from the spiderweb and skeleton stickers on his bumper. Excitement bled into his nervousness, Noeul unable to hold back a smile as his fingers played with the ring Boss had gifted him.

Noeul's breath caught in his throat when Boss stepped out of the vehicle. All the times he had seen Boss, he was wearing baggy clothes, but right now Noeul could practically see the curves of his body and holy fuck.

The long sleeves were replaced with a tight black button down with almost Boss' entire chest exposed. Over the shirt was a black blazer with beautiful dark gray designs along the collar, and even from a distance Noeul could see the bulging muscles under the material. The shirt was tucked into fitted slacks, cinching his waist and accenting the girth of his thighs. The sight was too much for Noeul to handle.

to the grave, a bossnoeul storyWhere stories live. Discover now