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The shift in their relationship after establishing the 'boyfriends' title was one Noeul could never prepare for yet welcomed with open arms.

When they meet now, their lips find each other's after every greeting. Boss' fingers lace themselves with Noeul's, keeping their distance close so their shoulders brushed with every step. Heads turned when they walked together, too caught up in their tiny world to notice the odd stares sent their way.

Boss had taken to driving Noeul around, even though the older insisted he could drive his own car. Boss still asked, and who was Noeul to say no to those pretty eyes. Noeul bought him a spider keychain to hang on his rearview mirror to show his gratitude. Boss had been ecstatic over the gift, smothering Noeul in millions of kisses.

Sometimes Noeul tagged along when Boss went to the gym. It was when they were figuring out each other's schedules that he brought up the idea, and Boss was elated to a have him as a partner.

"I usually go with Net. I'm going to have to break up with him," Boss said while putting his water into his gym bag.

"You're gonna... break up with him?" Noeul asked slowly. Was this some sort of gym talk he wasn't familiar with?

Boss laughed. "I can't be partners with him anymore now that you're coming with me."

Shaking his head, Noeul finished tying his shoes, standing to his full height. "You work out five days a week. I'm sure you can spare a couple days with Net. Don't worry, I won't be jealous." He gave Boss a peck on the nose.

Boss leaned down to rub their noses together. "Mm, but I might be knowing other people are going to see you in this cute ass outfit."

Said outfit consisted of pink sweats and a long-sleeved shirt. It wasn't even that cute, not to Noeul anyway. Boss was practically wearing the same thing but black.

"Is the outfit cute, or is it me?" Noeul batted his eyelashes, knowing the affect it had on Boss.

Boss' tongue poked at his cheek, hands coming to rest on Noeul's hips. "You. Of course, it's you."

Turned out, Noeul didn't get to drool over Boss' muscles as much as he thought he would, because somehow, they ended up in a competition that was never explicitly declared. It took until Noeul was on minute fifteen on the treadmill with a twelve percent incline, sweat dripping from his brow, that he realized he wanted to impress Boss with his athletic abilities.

And when he looked over at Boss, who was running beside him and turning the speed up just one notch higher than Noeul's, he realized that Boss was doing the same.

With that in mind, Noeul turned down the speed into a casual walk, letting his eyes rake over Boss' fit body, unashamed of how obvious he was. It seemed Boss noticed from the smirk on his lips.

After running, Noeul did a few pull ups on the bar, not even getting a full rep finished as he felt multiple pairs of eyes on him. When he jumped down, he turned to glare at the weirdos watching, stopping when he saw Boss standing beside him, already staring down at each of them with a killer gaze, jaw clenched.

A wave of heat washed over Noeul. It was hot seeing Boss like this, possessive and protective, looking ready to pounce on anyone who fucked with Noeul. It wasn't like Noeul couldn't handle himself, but he wasn't going to say no to having his hot boyfriend watch over him.

In the midst of his ogling, Boss walked over to him, softly asking, "Hey, do you want to be my spotter. Please?"

Patting the back of his neck with the towel Boss brought him, Noeul relaxed from the younger's voice and nodded his head. "Yeah, I got you."

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