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As I walk back to Buck's from another night at the drive in, picking on some fine broads, you know the drill, I stop as I hear soft sniffles comming from behind a tree near the park.

Now usually, I would mind my own business and continue walking, but these sniffles sounded familiar...

I slowly walk over to the Tree, peaking around it, praying it wasn't who I thought it was.

I sigh as I see Johnny, curled up against the Tree, somehow with even more cuts and bruses again.

As I crouch down next to Johnny, his head whips up and let's out a gasp, backing away from me.

I see the fear in his eyes.

I stick up my hands, showing him that I won't hurt him, he slowly let's his guard down as he notices it's me.

"Hey Johnnycakes" I say "you all good kid?" I ask him, even though I know he's clearly not.

Johnny just looks at me, his lip quivering, he bits it, obviously trying not to start crying.

"Hey" I say softly as I crouch down slowly next to him, Johnny is the only person I use this tone of voice for.

"I ain't gonna judge you" I tell him "cmon, tell me what's up"

Johnny hesitates but whispers "just my parents Dal" as tears start rolling down his face once again, his eyes red and puffy, looks like he's been crying for hours.

He doesn't need to say anything else, as I know exactly what he means.

I despise his old man and mother ( if I can even call them that ), I want nothing more than to storm over there and take 17 years of anger out on them, but I can't.

I try not to let the anger show on my face as a rest a hand on Johnny's shoulder.

"Johnny, look at me" I tell him as he trys to wipe the continuous tears off his face, I know he hates crying in front of me, thinks it makes him look weak, but If I'm being honest, Johnny is one of the most toughest people i know, especially with everything he goes through.

"Buddy" I sigh as I rub his shoulder "it's ok, alright? I'm here now, just let it all out"

He hesitates for a moment, but grabs onto me, bawling his eyes out, I hate to see him like this, but I know he's been holding it in for a while.

I pick him up, "cmon bud, you're comming back to my place" i tell him as I start walking, Johnny doesn't even try to fight it as he keeps crying into my shoulder.

I will do anything for Johnny.



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