Chapter 24: Prison Break...!

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The guard lay flat on the ground as though he was dead. Foams were foaming out of his open mouth and his eyes were rolled to the back of his head. I stood above him lightly shaken by the action I took to take him down. Standing over him, I was shaken by my actions in bringing him down. There was a twinge of guilt for striking him there, yet I couldn't help but wonder how long he had been taking bribes. That thought alone made me feel somewhat less guilty for taking him out like that. After making sure the guard was out cold, I returned to Lucia's side to wake her up. Lucia stirred awake from her sleep, still in a drozy state. 

She rubs her eyelid, "...What?"

Lucia let out another yawn before drifting off to sleep once more. This child had exerted herself too much. I gently lifted her into my arms, allowing her to rest a while longer. As I held her close, I was surprised at how light she felt, her small frame surprisingly weightless against me as though she was a feather herself.

I carefully surveyed my surroundings once more before stepping out of the jail cell. As I approached the hallway leading to the front entrance, voices echoed faintly through the walls. I paused just in time to avoid being spotted by whoever was in the lobby. The voices belonged to a woman and a man, speaking with an officer about Lucia. Curious, I discreetly peered around the corner and saw the woman accusing Lucia of theft to the officer.

"Yes, she's in the cell with another person," said the officer.

The woman glances at the man beside her and smiles at the officer, "Thank you."

It all unfolded in a blur of motion. The officer was thrown across the room with startling force, like a rag doll in the grip of unseen power. My eyes widened in shock as I realized the woman was an Esper. Then, the man calmly approached the officer, brandishing a sharp weapon that he swiftly drove into the officer's body. The officer didn't even make a sound but lay there motionlessly.

As soon as the woman and the man started moving toward me, my instincts screamed danger. I bolted in the opposite direction, my mind racing to find a way out. If there was a front entrance, logic dictated there must be a back exit. I sprinted silently, determined not to alert them. I didn't understand why Lucia was their target, but I can always think about it later. Just as I suspected, there was a back door. I wiggled the doorknob to open but it was locked. I should have taken the keys with me instead of leaving them there with that guard!

"She's not here," remarked the man with a note of frustration.

The back entrance lay just a few rooms distant from the jail cell, not far at all.

"They must have escaped," declared the woman, her voice carrying a mix of annoyance, "The guard was still in the lobby when we got here, so they must have used the back exit."

Damn it...!

They were approaching rapidly, and I found myself trapped with no apparent way out. I needed to hide, but how? The woman was an Esper; if she possessed the ability to see through objects, she'd locate us in an instant. While trying to think of a way to get out of here, their footstep grew closer to our location. I have no other choice.

"What are you doing there?" the man asked.

I turn around and face them. The woman stares at me, "Is it just you?"

"Who are you?" I asked, "Where are the guards."

The woman took a few steps towards me ignoring my questions, "Aren't you that woman who was with that little girl? I don't see her, where did she go?"

I don't know who it was that sent that letter, but the festival should be over by now. The other officers should be back any moment now. I just to waste enough time so that we can get out of here safely. That man didn't even hesitate to kill the officers, so I doubt they'll keep me alive whether I give them information or not.

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