Thank you.

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I woke up to yet another bad dream about Riley and angel, it's still weird to not text Riley right when I wake up, but I'm starting to get 'used' to it If I ever can

"What are you doing? It's 5 in the morning" Billie rasped with her eyes still closed

"Sorry" I mumble getting comfortable again

"Go back to bed my love" she pulled me to her chest resting her head on top of mine hugging me tightly

I let out a sigh, relaxing in her touch soon falling back to sleep

I work up at 7 again, Billie was still sleeping, I laid there and just looked at her, I really love everything about her. Her blond eyelashes, the fluffy part on her eyebrow, her light freckles, her small dimples, I plump lips. Her tinny nose.

"I could feel you staring" she mumbled her eyes fluttering open

"Your so pretty" I rub her cheek with my thumb

"Go away" she giggled her rosy cheeks becoming red

"It's true" I shrug getting up and walking to my bathroom

"How come your hair looks so cute in the morning and mine looks crazy" she huffed following me

"Maybe cuz I didn't dye mine 100 times" I say in a 'duh' tone

"Hey!" She laughed grabbing her toothbrush

"I think it's cute" I giggle as I fix her hair "like a little lion"

"Your hair reminds me of Moana" she smiled

"That's racist" I joke

"How!" She gasped with a laugh "it does, I'm not saying you look like her in saying your hair looks like hers" she rolled her eyes

"I know" I laughed "thank you" I kissed her cheek multiple times

"Where you going?" She asked as I walked to my closet

"Getting ready for work" I shrug

"W-what are you going to ware" she tried to hide the shock and excitement from her voice

"Donno, I like ugh" I groan

"What?" She healed my waist

"I just don't want people to come up to me and shit, like yeah it's nice but" I sigh "I don't want someone to remind me that my best friend passed every 3 seconds"

"Then I'll tell them to Fuck off" she shrugged "or you could just stay with me in my office" she smiled pulling me closer

"Yeah?" I tilt my head

"Yeah, I mean every one knows we're together anyway so why not" she shrugged

"True, ok yeah" i smile

We got to work and right when we walked in I felt everyone stare at me and go quiet

"What are you all staring at? Go back to work." Billie said sternly

I went into my office and grabbed my iPad before going into Billie's office

"What do you need me to do?" I sit in the chair next to her

"Umm. Whatever you want" she smiled typing in her password on her computer

"Billie, seriously what do you need" I say with an rbf

"Just corrections" she shrugged

"That's all?"

"And umm. Yeah I think that's all. Maybe a few new concept art for the mural there going to paint but that's it"

"Mural where!" I gasp

"Yeah, in the studio there redoing the mural" she smiled

"Oh my god ok" I squeal unlocking my iPad and got to work

I don't know when but I ended up getting distracted and drawing Billie instead- YALL I SWARE IT WAS AN ACCIDENT IM NOT OBSESSED- ok maybe a little but who wouldn't be? Look at that woman.

"That doesn't look like a mural" Billie chuckled

"Stop." I roll my eyes embarrassed "I got distracted"

"Distracted?" She lifted her eyebrow "how cute" she chuckled

"Go away" I clicked off the drawing of her and went back onto the mural "imma go get juice" I sighed getting up and leaving her office

As I walked to the brake room I passed Riley's desk, not only did I pass her desk I passed someone sitting at her desk... what the hell.

My heart instantly sank, I know it's just a desk but it's her desk. Why the Fuck is someone sitting in it.

How did they- how did Billie replace her so quickly.

What the actual fuck.

I huffed and walked back into her office and sat down without saying a word

"You didn't bring me any?" She acted offended but I was not amused "what's wrong?" She turned to me

I just ignored her

"Lani whats up?"she pushed down my iPad

I pulled it back up and continued to ignore her

"Mia. What's going on? Did someone say something?" She got serious "don't ignore me you know I don't like that" she bit her cheek

"You could just replace someone that quick?" I put my iPad down on the table

"What are you talking about?" She was now confused

"Riley, you fucking replaced her that quick?!" Tears started to prick the corners of my eyes

"No- what do you mean?"

"Billie don't play dumb I literally just saw someone sitting at Riley's desk" I throw my arm out

"Baby, I haven't hired anyone" she shook her head

"We'll there's someone I've never seen before sitting at her desk" I sniffed quickly whipping my tears as I felt stupid for crying over something this simple.

"What?" She walked out leaving the door open so I was able to hear everything

"What's your name?" She asked the girl sitting at her desk

"Rachel" she answered

"Who hired you?"billie asked

"A manager named Luke?" She said softly

"Um. So you can't sit in this desk it's taken" Billie said calming down a little

"They told me-"

"We'll im telling you now you can't so find another desk to sit at." She said sternly before walking back to her office

"You didn't have-"

"One of the managers hired someone without informing me mama I'm so sorry" she kissed my head

"You didn't have to make her move" I sniff as I started to calm down

"Yea I did. I uh know how important it is to you. No one will ever sit there again ok?" She healed my cheeks

"Thank you" I smiled softly before peaking her lips

(A/n: hiii sorry this chapter is short, I only had a little to write it but cuz I have to leave for practice again 🙄 might not be able to post every day from now on since my usa practice started up again I love you all have a grate day!)

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