Lets do it

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Continued from last chapter

Billie's pov

It was almost time for our lunch brake, I never noticed how important Mia's lunch with Riley was to her until now, as the time got closer she grew jittery

"You ok?" I pushed her hair back

"Can we eat out for lunch today?"she sealed her lips

"Yeah of course" i nodded, understanding that this is hard for her. "Where do you want to go?"

"I'm not hungry really, so wherever you want" she shrugged

"Your not?" I tilt my head "how come? You didn't have breakfast" I grew concerned

"Don't worry Billie I'm ok" she noticed my anxiousness "just don't really have an apatite, I think I'm getting sick" she said with a small shrug

"Ok, we'll you have to eat something" I say as I grabbed my keys

"I will" she grabbed my hand

I looked down at our hands interlocked noticing how shaky hers was, maybe it was the coffee or the lack of food but I couldn't help but worry

"Talk to me" I kiss her hand as we walked into the elevator

"About?" She looked up at me

"How are you feeling?"

"I don't know" she shrugged"not bad but not good" she sighed

"Tell me more" swing our arms as we walked making her giggle


"I mean It's hard but its even harder to expect the fact that it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be"

I stayed quiet letting her continue

"Like I thought I wouldn't want to come back for a bit after today but that's not the case, I feel ok working- well not ok but it's- ugh I don't know who to explain it" she groaned getting into the car

"It's not as hard to work without her than you thought it would be and that's bothering you?" I start the car

"Exactly" she sighed "is that bad? Like does that make me a horrible person" she played with the back of her hair

"Of course not" I scoff "it just means your healing" I smile

"That's scary"

"How come?"

"I don't want to feel ok about living without her. Them"

"If I'm being honest, I don't think you ever will" I sigh "they where both a huge part of your life and all of a sudden living without them is something you'll never get used to, just something you have to accept"

"Look at you bing a therapist" she nudged my arm

"I'm for real" I chuckle

"I know, sorry i can't take me emotions seriously" she laughed

"Me either" I laughed

"Can you tattoo me something?" She looked at her arm

"What is it?" I turn to look at her before looking back at the road

Inked up |billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now