Chapter six- Devilishly Green

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I'd watched her walk into the party earlier tonight and I'd known what would happen. Isn't she fucking aware of how hot she is?

Her outfit is stupid sexy so I get dressed for the party, pissed as fuck . Why does she get herself in trouble every time and why can't I let her get what comes to her? Every guy wants to sleep with her. How could she be so naive?

I walk into the place and search for her. I find her standing with the guy who lives here. They talk for a while and she dances with him. He slips something into her drink at the table while she waits. I'm literally boiling with rage as he smiles at her while she drinks.

I watch his eyes dart up her thighs as he squats to get her shoes off.
And then he fucking touches her. What a dick. I interrupt him as he tries to kiss her.

She looks betrayed after she finds out he'd drugged her. She's smoking hot, her lips...

I put her over my shoulder and take her to my house.

Will puts me down in the living room and goes upstairs.

Why does he keep doing this? My whole body hurts.

I try to stand but I fall back to the couch quickly.

He's downstairs again.

'I need to go,' I say, trying to maintain my balance as I get up.

He grabs me as I almost fall.

He lifts me and takes me upstairs.

'I said I need to leave,' I snap.

'You don't know when to leave,' he says, looking sternly at me as he puts me on the bed.

My heart starts thumping.

I try to get off the bed.

'I'll kill you,' he says, glaring at me.

I stare at him. He looks so angry.

'I didn't ask you to help me,' I say.

He pulls the duvet cover over me and leaves. My head hurts so much. I sleep off no matter how much I try to stop myself from doing so.

†              †                †                    †             

I wake up in Will's apartment. No, not again. How drunk was I? I can't remember anything.

I try to get up. I can't. He walks into the room.

'I can't move,' I say.

'It's because of what he put in your drink,' he says.

'Who?' I ask. He rolls his eyes, helping me up.

Where was I last night?

'I can't remember anything,' I say.

'I don't care,' he says, taking me to the bathroom.

'What are you....' I start to ask.

'Take a shower,' he says and leaves.

He orders breakfast for me and hands me hangover pills alongside the food.

'How can I trust you enough to eat this?' I ask.

'It's easier to trust guys at parties, isn't it?' He asks.

I start to recall a little about last night.

I put my dress back on and he drives us to school.

He gets out of the car, clenching his fists. I follow him. What was he up to? The hangover pills are helping but I'm still aching all over. He walks into the gym and grabs Tyler.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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