Chapter five-Not What It Was

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She's hot and that's it. She's got a beautiful body and the face of an angel but that's just it. She must have been really naive to think I want something from her.

She's not in school the next day.

'Will,' Alexa calls.

I fucking hate her.

'Who's that guy, Scott?' She asks.

'I have no idea,' I reply.

'No biggie, I just think he's super hot,' she adds.

'Tell him that,' I reply, affecting an intended insouciance.

A text pops up.

Why did you come after what I said?

Let's talk over dinner.
I reply.

Alexa jerks my phone off my hand.
She glares at me after peering at the screen.

She's so dumb.

I let her get pissed and then I get it from her.


'You're going on a date with Chelsea?' She asks.

'And?' I ask.

'God, you're so cocky. Will, you know I'm human, right?' she asks.

'It was supposed to be a one-night stand,' I tell her and leave.

He said he wanted to talk over dinner and I've never been so worked up about what to wear. I'm literally combing my closet and Maddie's. One would say it's just dinner but I know the effect I have on men.

I settle for a white body con silk dress.
The dress:

He picks me up at eight

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He picks me up at eight. He doesn't say a word in the car and neither do I.

He's smoking hot. I can see his biceps from the thick leather jacket and he's literally driving with one hand. He pulls up at a huge restaurant. Not the hoi polloi's usual.

You can tell even water here would cost a fortune for the middle class.

He actually reserved the whole restaurant for tonight.

I can't help studying his face as he goes through the menu and picks something. I do same.

'I don't want anything from you,' he says.

'Then you must have something against Scott to be hitting him for me,'  I reply.

'I barely know him,' he replies, ' I told you, I hate it when boys hit girls.'

'I saw you hit a girl,' I say, conveniently.

'Transgender girls are basically boys,' he says, calmly. Oh. That hit the spot.

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