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Morning have arrived and the rays of the sun were showing while it rise. Birds chirping, flowers are blooming once again, and a loud ringtone from Y/n's phone interrupted their sleep.

"Oh come on..." Y/n yawns and sits up before turning off the alarm that annoyed her so much. "I forgot I still have this ringtone..." They looked at the calendar and sighed at the sight.

'Great... School time I guess.' They thought before standing up and going to the bathroom. Showering there and doing their skincare afterwards to make them feel fresh and clean. Since Y/n still doesn't have their uniform, a white t-shirt, black pants and a black boots is what they wore, in order to keep the proper attire. After making some things to make them more presentable, Y/n takes the sling bag that they prepared last night and decided to head off.

The bus stop wasn't that far from their apartment, so they won't be walking that far. While waiting for the bus they spotted a couple that seemingly to be so sweet. It makes them feel single and cringe at the same time.

Instead of paying them attention, Y/n brought out their airpods and listened to some music. When the bus arrived, they immediately got inside and sit near the window. "Finally peace..." They mumbled to themselves while looking out of the window. It is indeed a peaceful one since there's a few people inside and the temperature is not that hot, not that cold..

While looking at the map on their phone, a guy suddenly shouted when some passenger came inside. ".. hey hey hey Akaashi!" It was loud, that they can even hear it on her airpods. Y/n didn't look at the guy though, they were focused to not getting lost since they still don't know the place.

Minutes later, they have arrived to the school and it seems like... There's students going inside and just arrived. 'shoot... I arrived too early...' Y/n was planning to be late but, this was unexpected. There are lots of students that are going to stare at them since their outfit... Is not a uniform.

They took a deep breath before standing up and going outside, taking out her airpods and waiting for the bus to stop. Once it stopped, they got out and stared at the school. "Lots of students-" they sighs before walking inside the school gate, Y/n looked for the guard, and it seems like, students starts to stare at her at this moment.

"Are they new..? Or a guardian?"

"A visitor?"

The students whispered while looking at her. It made Y/n feel embarrassed but they focused on their goal. Find the guard, the principal, uniform and her room. Since they were too lost, Y/n bumped into someone.

"Oh- Sorry-!" Y/n says looking at the person they bumped into. It was a guy with dark green eyes and black hair. "No worries, it's alright.." the male speaks softly before smiling. To his side, it was a guy with a spiky gray hair and golden eyes. Buff one. "You should be looking around where you going!" The one with golden eyes says.

Y/n gulped before nodding. "Yeah- sorry, but may I ask where's the guard?" They ask while looking at the both.

The two guys looked at each other before the loud one spoke up.

"Did someone hurt you??"

"No-! I'm new and I'm lost -!"

Y/n sighs and looked down. 'Oh boy this isn't going to turn out well...' the calm dude noticed their expression before speaking up. "We can help you to get to the principal's office." Y/n's eyes looked at him and smiled.

"You will? That would be a great help!" They says with a smile. The gray haired speaks up as well. "We will help ya! So come with us!" The loud guy, grabbed her arm and the calm one just followed the two.

"Bokuto- slow down."

"Don't worry, Akaashi! As the oldest one I'll guide her!"

Let's just hope it turns out well...

Thinker And Overthinker [Akaashi Keiji x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now