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Every day was like a time skip. It makes Y/n think, why everything moved so fast? It just feels like yesterday, they were just laying on their bed crying because of the movie. Now... They were sitting with Akaashi and Bokuto in the gym after a volleyball practice match against Nekoma.

"Y/n, you okay?" Akaashi asked with concern and curiosity on his voice, which made Y/n snap out of their thoughts making them look at him. "Me fine." Y/n says with a grin before suddenly noticed Bokuto eating their onigri. "HEY THAT'S MINE YA!" They tried to stop Bokuto, but he was fast. Akaashi chuckled as he watched the two. "Now now- I don't fight-"

"You better have an exchange for that food!"

"Sorry Y/n! But I don't have it just ask Akaashi!"



They then start to aggressively shake Bokuto which made Akaashi to pull both of them like a cat. "You two.... Stop." The way he speaks has a threatening tone which made the both to go silent. "You guys act like a kids." Akaashi added before letting go of them both. Then Y/n points at Bokuto. "It's his fault! He took my last onigri!" Y/n complained as Bokuto stick her tounge out of him.

"That's not nice Bokuto." Akaashi says which made Bokuto widened his eyes. "Well I thought they won't like it!"

Some time later, Y/n were waiting for them in the gate since Akaashi and Bokuto were in the locker room changing. Y/n was planning what to eat for dinner. 'should I... Eat a curry... No I just wanted that yesterday... Sinigang? Too much work... Hmm what to eat...' their thoughts were interrupted when they heard footsteps approaching, Y/n looked to see the both of them. "Y/n! Let's go!" Bokuto says before slinging an arm around them. Then pulled Akaashi also slinging his other arm around him.

"Oh come on- Bokuto you're heavy-" The (H/c) haired complaint as they start walking towards the bus. Which made Bokuto laugh. "It means I'm getting stronger! Right Akaashi?" He asked the black haired man before looking at him which made Akaashi sighs. "Yeah yeah, maybe those onigri made you strong." Akaashi replied with slight sarcastic which made Y/n frown a little. "We don't talk about onigri."

As they continued to walk, Bokuto leaved them both since his house was just few blocks away. They waved their goodbye to him. It was quite strange that Bokuto just left the two since he will be the one walking them both home.

"Unusual... Is he maybe sad because I got mad to him eating my onigri?" Y/n asked while looking at Akaashi while they walk. Akaashi chuckled and shakes his head. "No, probably not. But it is new." Akaashi says before he gestured Y/n to walk on his right side. "Don't walk near the road, it's dangerous." He says before smiling.

Y/n smiled before shrugging. "Yeah yeah Mr. Gentleman." They says before continuing the walk. While they are walking, Akaashi spotted a convenience store which made him stop. "Hey, wanna go there?" Akaashi asked while pointing towards the Convenience store.

Y/n nods, "yup, I'm getting hungry too so yeah." They replied which made the calm guy smile. "Let's go then." He took their wrist gently before they walked towards the convenience store. Y/n stared at his hand that was holding her wrist. 'is this- what- what is this feeling...' Y/n felt her stomach flips as he stared at Akaashi. 'is it me... Or he gets more handsome when he's like this...' they thought

Y/n and Akaashi got inside and bought, Onigris... Well wow. Akaashi was the one payed for their foods which made Y/n feel a little guilty. "Hey you should have at least split the payment yo..." Y/n says while the both of them got out. Akaashi just chuckled and shrugged. "It's fine I was the one who invited you there." Akaashi replied as they start to walk to the bus stop. Y/n could feel their heart thump when he was close. 'What was that.' definitely that's love.

The duo starts eating their onigri as they wait for the bus. Once a bus arrived, they got inside and sat near the exit. It was a long silent drive since lots of peeps there were workers who are tired and need sleep. Y/n continued to eat their food when suddenly Akaashi speaks up in a soothing voice, well he always. "Y/n... Do you think, Bokuto... Is planning about something?" He asked with a tone of curiosity. Right... Bokuto... Y/n sighs before shrugging. "Well... I think no. Why?" They asked while looking at the black haired man, who is currently over thinking.

"Cause... Nevermind." Akaashi shrugged it off before eating his food again. It made Y/n chuckle a little.

"Don't overthink."

"I'm not..."

Hour later, Akaashi walked Y/n to their apartment and when they reached their, he smiled. "Well guess this will be where I say bye to you." Akaashi says before smiling. "Yeah... Don't get too emotional when you walk home okay? Bye Akaashi see you again tomorrow." Y/n says with a smile. Akaashi then smiled before ruffling their head and walking away. "See ya."

While he was walking, Y/n was left there stunned. 'what just happened.' Y/n thinks before slowly going inside their apartment. Washing their self. Eating. Doing their routine. Then laying on the bed.

They were staring at the apartment as they thought about earlier. the sidewalk, him paying for their foods and him ruffling their hair... It makes their heart explode even more. They knew Akaashi was always kind to them but what was this feeling.

"Akaashi! What are you doing to me-!" Y/n silently screamed covering their face with a pillow.

"I can't be in love with you! Tangina!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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