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No it wasn't great.

First day of school, Y/n already got scolded by a teacher... Bokuto dragged her inside the school without changing into indoor school shoes. And he got scolded as well. The two were just looking down while Akaashi was the one who spoke up about the situation.

"We are sorry for this ma'am... We promise it won't happen again." Akaashi says while bowing. The two did the same following what Akaashi is doing. "Great then. I better NOT see these two roam around with dirt shoes." With that, the teacher walked away.

'Our savior..." Y/n thought while looking at Akaashi. When he looked at the both of them he sighs. "You two... If you get along too much.... It will cause so much trouble..." Akaashi says while looking at them then Bokuto just smiled and shrugged. "Well isn't that great? Newbie and me are already friends." Bokuto chuckled which also made Y/n snickered. "Well... Better behave Bokuto." Y/n told to the older guy. Akaashi shakes his head before looking at Y/n.

"We must go, the principal might be waiting for you and our class is about to start." Akaashi then starts walking towards the principal office which made Y/n shrugged and follow him. Along with Bokuto who continued to keep talking.

Hours later, Y/n just got out of the principal office holding some bag that was her uniform and her indoor school shoes for this school. It made her sigh that both of the two of her new friends have to go to their class, which makes them alone. Y/n went to the locker that was given to them and placed their things there. The principal told them that they are free to roam and look around since their class will be announced tomorrow. And that's what Y/n did. They went to the cafeteria first to get some food and then ate the food they bought. After that, they started exploring the buildings of the Fukurodani High School, it was kind of big that it made her lose a little.

While walking around, Y/n spotted the gym, and due to their curiosity, they went there to check it out. They knocked first before opening the door. It was a kind of a big gym that has wooden but tile flooring. It was school. Y/n closed back the door and decided to head back inside. They decided to go back home since tomorrow will be her literally first day of school.

When they got home, they sighed and decided to just watch some movies. They wasn't that bored and stuff since they can make foods too and they just made an omelette that was almost burned.

But her thought went to the guy called Akaashi... The calm guy makes them feel things, they haven't felt before.

Thinker And Overthinker [Akaashi Keiji x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now