As Time Skips Along

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(A/N: Just before we get started, I'd like to mention a few things. This story will start skipping between P.O.Vs so I can develop the story a bit. I mean, who doesn't wanna see Haise and Eto's and side of the story? The latest chapters of TGRE I've read, there isn't much places where I can place my character, Yukishi. (I forgot her name for a second there) So based on this I will be changing P.O.Vs here and there. Onii-chan out!)

Haise's P.O.V

    The auction raid was a big thing, and after all of it we celebrated with happy things. You get a promotion, you get a promotion, everybody gets a promotion!! There were a LOT of promotions, so Imma do quick rundown:

Rank 3 to Rank 2: Shirazu and Saiko

Rank 2 to Rank 1: Miyuki, Mizuro, Hanbee, Urie, and Takeomi

Rank 3 to Rank 1: Mutsuki

Rank 1 to First Class: Kuramoto, Kejin, Naoto and Me (Haise)

First Class to Associate Special Class: Akira

Associate Special Class to Special Class: Juuzou and Matsuri

   Phew... That was alot! But the most surprising of all is that Mutsuri jumped 2 ranks instead of one. Also, after the auction raid I kept an ownership period over Fueguchi. Flashbacks of this Kaneki charcater have been more frequent, after the auction raid and the attack by the Owl. If only they would go away...


  I've been wondering about that mask that HySy sent me. So I looked HySy up and found the HySy Art Mask studio. I go there to find out why they sent it to me and who they are. I knock on the door, hearing the subtle sound of music. I open the door and ask:

"Good evening, are you open?"

As he turns around to reply I see his kakugan pierce form his eyes.

"Yes, we are open." He says calmly, flashing his kakugan.

Yukishi's P.O.V

   "We have to get into the CCG eventually. We need Haise here and now. " Eto yells into my ear for the hundredth time. 

"But how? We can't just become investigators and get in there." I reply stiffly.

"Of course we can! It's easier said then done, but it's possible." She says excitedly.

"Ok, ok. But which HQ should we enroll in? Haise would know it's us if we went to his." I contradict.

"Maybe... We could go to the 6th ward!"

"Fine, let's eat first, I'm hungry."

   We get some ramen and microwave it. It tastes delicious as always. I review what we were talking about in my head, thinking of how this will go through. We can get through the scanners easy, none of the investigators know us there, and we can get some investigators on our side, with Eto and I's charms of course, hehe. We have some investigator clothes from the one's we killed, and we got some quinques. Looks like this could go good.

"Another cup of ramen please!" I yell to Eto.

"Ok, ok." She says as she adjusts her glasses.




    We got on a train to 6th ward. This is where Shachi asked me to go, I think. Ya, it was. But I don't deal with that now, that's after I'm done with Eto. But maybe she could help me. Anyway, we wait on the train for 4 hours and we still aren't there. But Eto kept whispering for me to keep my guard up. She said there was an investigator here and a ghoul. We had to kill the ghoul because we had our investigator profiles on. Maybe I should run do a quick run down.

Yukishi's Profile:

Name: Anzu Totonogami

Age: 20

Species: Human

Birthday: March 1st

Height: 180 cm

Weight: 110 lbs

Rank: Associate Special Class

Eto's Profile:

Name: Aoi Totonogami

Age: 20

Species: Human

Birthday: March 1st

Height: 190 cm

Weight: 127 lbs

Rank: First Class

  Me and Eto are twins. She is a bit bigger, but a lower rank. Now to get that ghoul. To hurt as little people as possible, we ask to talk the ghoul. We move on the train to a different cart, where it's only us and him. We show her our badges and pull out our quinques.

"Time to test these babies out!" I yell as I hit the button on the quinque and lunge at the ghoul. The ghoul pulls out his kagune and throws it at me. My quinque easily cuts through it and it's lance like design glistens. Eto doesn't join the fight, she just watches as I tear through this ghoul. But his regeneration is strong, and most of my cuts don't matter. I guess I'll have to fight fire with fire, and I pull out my kagune. My ukaku of course, and make quick work of him with one simple slash.

"That was easy.." Eto says quietly.

"Yeah.." I reply in the same tone.

  But the mood quickly changes as the door busts open. It's that investigator. He explains how we made his job easier by taking that ghoul out, and that he was an SS rank. We introduce ourselves and state why we are on the train.  He doesn't introduce himself, saying we will know him sooner or later. He let's us get on our way as our stop is right here. He gives me the creeps, not even showing his face. I guess this is it until we get to the HQ. That man though, he's a big mystery... Even Eto seemed uneasy, and when she's uneasy, you KNOW something is about to go down.

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