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Chris is at Neil and Todd's dorm door, Charlie and Knox had already made their way into their dorm with all of Neil and Charlie's fighting

"You can be here Chris?" - Todd asked her

"Yeah, I only start school in a week so I thought I should visit you guys! Now you guys stop fighting it's getting repetitive" - Chris ordered Neil and Charlie

"Yes ma'am" - Charlie said

"Now Todd what are you writing there? Another poem for Neil?" - She joked

"Uhh no no! Just random words!" - Todd said flustered, he turned red as a tomato

"Cmon you boys get out! Todd wants to read his poem privately" - Chris commanded them and they got right out

"So show me that poem will you? I know it's good don't worry about it" - Chris assured Todd and finally he caved in and read her his poem

Love is subjective
It's touch to some, gifts to others
But true love is the look you share with them
At least to me it is

"That's adorable Todd!!" - Chris confirmed

"Are you sure? I don't think Neil will like it.." - Todd mumbled

"Of course he will!! If he doesn't I'll make sure to take care of him for you don't worry" - Chris said menacingly

"Thanks Chris, are you gonna stay here for the whole day? We have class in a few minutes" - Todd asked her

"Yeah I will! I'll wait for you guys in Knox's and Charlie's dorm, I'll probably take a walk outside" - She said

"Ah ok, I have to go now, I'll see you Chris!" - Todd said before dashing through the door to English class, he was already a few minutes late

"See you Todd!" - Chris quickly said to him

Chris pov:

Now let's go for a walk while I wait for them, I'll visit the dead poets society cave  while I'm at it

Todd ran to Mr. Keatings class and when he got there everyone was already seated, he was only five minutes late, so he really hoped Keating wouldn't scold him

"Mr. Anderson! What's with this late arrival?" - Keating questioned

"I'm so sorry Mr. Keating, I was doing something" - He stuttered

"Something? What something Mr. Anderson?" - Mr. Keating continued bugging him

"Mr. Keating, he was just reading Chris his love poem for Neil" - Knox said

"KNOX!" - Todd shouted at him super flustered

"Ah I see, the usual, sit down then Mr. Anderson" - Mr. Keating finished

Todd went to his seat and like normal they read the poems they wrote while on summer break

"Mr. Anderson, would you like to read the poem you wrote for Neil?" - Keating asked him

"No thank you Mr. Keating" - Todd said

"Cmonn Todd pleasee read it!!" - Neil pleaded

"I'll read it to you at the dorm Neil.." - Todd whispered

"Sounds good to me then!" - Neil said

"Yes yes Mr. Anderson, but you still have to read a poem you wrote while on summer break" - Keating told him

"I uhh didn't write any.." - Todd muttered, this was usual behaviour from him but he had gotten better at speaking in front of crowds

"Same old Todd Anderson I see" - Keating spoke

"Cmon Todd read one of your amazing poems!!" - a strange voice came from the outside

"Is that.. CHRIS WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!? DIDN'T YOU GO FOR A WALK?" - Todd was startled by her random appearance

"Yeah but never specified where I'd take my walk, now read one of your poems! I believe in you!" - Chris cheered for Todd from the outside and he responded with one of his cute soft smiles

"Mr. Keating, or should I say Neil's dad, could we let her in? She seems pretty bored" - Charlie asked

"Oh why of course we can!" - Keating happily spoke and made his way over to the window to let her in

"Hellton should really allow girls at this point, am I right?" - Keating chuckled

"You're very right Mr. Keating!" - Chris chuckled back at him

"Now Mr. Anderson if you wouldn't mind getting up here and reading your poem" - Keating asked him and he made himself over to the front of the class, Chris sat in his chair but before he started she just had to tell Neil something quickly

"Hey Neil!" - Chris turned to him

"Yep?" - he questioned

"Don't worry I'm not here to replace your special eye contact after Todd reads a poem, Knox told me all about your silly love story, I'll look away so y'all can relive the moment" - Chris winked and grinned at him, she was the biggest anderperry shipper

"Haha very funny, now let's just hear Todd ok? Not like any of your love storys with your boyfriends are meaningful" - He joked

"You'd be surprised!" - She finished so Todd could finally read his poem

Todd reads out his poem and he starts shaking a little from all his nervousness, but the class cheered and clapped for him, and like Chris anticipated Neil helped him calm down

"Very good Mr. Anderson" - Keating also clapped for him

"Now that we still have a bit left of class, what do you suggest we do Ms. Chris?" - Keating questioned her, he just wanted to learn more about her, he had only heard from Charlie and Knox and well she seemed pretty amazing

"I.. uhh.. don't know, what do you guys normally do?" - Chris asked

"Party of course!" - Charlie shouted from the back

"Yeah right Nuwanda that's what you do" - She rolled het eyes at him

"Cmon princess don't be mean to me!" - He winked

"Yeah yeah, we could go for the walk I was going on?" - Chris added

"Wouldn't hurt us would it?" - Keating asked them

"Depends if Chris is gonna be annoying all the time, she doesn't shut up about them damn boyfriends!" - Neil giggled

"You sure talk alot for someone who doesn't shut the fuck up about Todd!" - She explained aggressively

"Ok calm down guys let's just go for a walk" - Knox spoke

They all got up and went for their walk, they showed Chris the whole campus and she was pretty surprised by it, of course it was wayy bigger than her school but she didn't think it was THAT big, she only really knew where the dead poets society cave was, Charlie and Knox would sometimes invite her to the meetings, she never wrote poems she was there mostly for the company

"Ms. Chris, have you ever tried writing poems?" - Keating curiously asked

"No I haven't really, I just normally hear them from the dead poets, they're amazing poets really! Todd's my favourite at poetry" - Chris happily rejoiced

"TODD?!?" - Charlie and Knox said, she left the totally speechless

"Cmon you guys, of course Todd is the best!" - Neil cheered

"I guess, but you should support your boyfriends, Chris" - Charlie rolled his eyes at her

Both Neil and Chris giggled and fist bumped eachother

"Guess our times over pals! Cmon let's get back to hellton, you still have other classes remember?" - Keating said

"Yes yes "O captain, my captain"!" - they all said and sprinted to their dorms, Chris went with them, what was she gonna do anyway?

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