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They all get back to their dorms and start getting ready for their next class that starts in about 15 minutes, another class another 1 hour and a half that Chris would have to sit out, maybe not alone

"Hey Neil!!"

"Yeah Chris?"

"You know I'm gonna have to stay alone for another half hour and stuff, would you skip class and stay with me? We have kinda alot to catch up" - She questioned

"I can't just skip my dad's class, can't you ask Knox or Charlie? Or both"

"Hey Knox, Charlie!! Wanna skip class with me?"

"Sure! Cmon Knoxious let's go" - Charlie affirmed

"I'd love to Charlie and Chris but I really can't be missing any classes" - Knox said

"Yeah Charlie, you also shouldn't be missing Latin, you're flunking" - Meeks spoke

"Ugh fine, try to find someone to stay with you Chris! I'm so sorry we can't, we'll stay with you after" - Charlie affirmed

"See?" - She turned to Neil

"Ok ok fine I'll go see with my dad's wait here" - Neil said that and got up to go ask them

He presumed they were in Keatings class, and well yeah they were there. He went to them and asked if he could skip to keep Chris company, they said yes in the condition Neil would work even extra harder! Of course it was a joke, Neil had perfect straight A's he worked hard of course but really didn't need the extra credit, that was probably the only straight thing about him

He went back to the dorms and everyone had started running to class

"Neil, aren't you coming?" - Todd asked

"Nope! My dad's let me skip class because Chris can't stay alone" - He rolled his eyes

"Oh ok, see you guys in an hour and a half" - Todd said and made his way to class

"Don't forget to give me the homework babe!!" - Neil shouted and Todd shouted back an "ok!"

"Soo whatcha wanna do?" - Neil asked

"We should play chess! I wanna see if I really can beat everyone" - She said

Neil went and got the chess board so they could play, Chris was a really good chess player and so was Neil but who would win their match?

Pass about 30 minutes and they're still playing, Chris is close to winning but Neil still had a chance

"I bet I'll win this one" - she thought

"God damn she's a good chess player! But I'm too and of course I'll win! I'm Neil after all" - He thought

They were silent throughout their whole match until someone came in the room, it was Todd, the class had already ended so he was already back at the dorm

"Did you guys stay here the whole class time?" - He questioned quietly

"Not now Todd we're almost finished with the mat-"

"CHECKMATE!" - Chris yelled and jumped happily, she yelled so loudly everyone got to their room

"You got beat huh Neil? You ain't the only one, girls a good player" - Charlie said while at the door with Knox, Meeks, Pitts and Cam by his side

Neil just stood there shocked

"HOW DID YOU BEAT ME?!?!!" - Neil shouted

"BECAUSE IM JUST BETTER!" - Chris shouted back and giggled

"I BET YOU CHEATED!" - he yelled back once again while everything was just there watching them argue


This went on for a little while, until they had lunch

"You ain't joining us? "Chess queen" or whatever your name is" - Neil rolled his eyes

"Chris is fine, sure I'm pretty hungry at this point" - she said

"Let's go then princess" - Charlie stook out his hand in a fancy maner like they do with princess's and Chris held his hand

"Don't forget about me guys!!" - Knox yelped at them and went and held Chris's other hand

"Shouldn't we join them?" - Neil asked while holding out his hand

"Sure..!" - Todd whispered and held Neil's hand and Neil proceeded to spin Todd around (like salsa) and hold him in his arms and of course he made Todd blush all red, he didn't look like a tomato, he looked even reder than a tomato

They were all already ahead of them so they unfortunately had to put a stop to their silly shenanigans

"Sooo what y'all been reading huh??" - Neil asked the group after him and Todd had already catched up

"You know I don't read much but I've been rereading the outsiders again of course!" - Charlie proudly stated, it was the truth, it was rare to see Charlie reading any other book, yeah he read the whole the outsiders series but besides that it was rare that he read, he was more a movie and series typa guy

"Of course you were Charlie" - They all said almost at the same time with the same tone

"I recently finally read Romeo and Juliet!! I absolutely loved it, it's very me and Chris" - Knox happily said while admiring Chris

"Don't forget about me just because I'm a man!" - Charlie told him, he'd get a little jealous when Knox mentioned Chris, he loved her but it was just a Charlie thing

"How about you Todd? What did you read?" - Neil looked over at him, he had realised Todd really wanted to talk about his recent read but was too shy to speak up. Neil knew what he had been reading but he wanted Todd to share it with them because it was probably a way to make him speak more, he hadn't shut up about that book to Neil

"Oh! But you know what I read.. I don't think any of you would really be interested in it.." - He shyly spoke

"Cmon Todd!! Tell us your most recent read! I've been meaning to start a new book!" - Charlie said

"I.. read the perks of being a wallflower..!" - Todd said, his voice was clear to everyone there, one of the only times, you knew he loved something when he was so comfortable in his speech, no quiet speaking Todd for these things

"I know that one! Me and Ginny watched the film together! It was really emotional but I loved it alot! I have to read the book now i guess" - Chris smiled at Todd and you could see he was so surprised that his face lit up

"Really?! Me and Neil were gonna watch the film when I finished reading! I loved it so so much! Charlie is my favourite of course!!" - It seemed as if his face really lit up everyone was really shocked he was talking this much and this happily and excitedly but Neil and Chris. Neil was pretty accommodated with this behaviour, after all they were dating so of course Todd was more comfortable with him. Chris was just happily listening to him like she always does, yeah she was also surprised by his talkative side but she really just wanted to listen to him and make him feel heard

"He isn't usually this talkative is he?" - Charlie whispered Neil because Todd hadn't shut up about the perks of being a wallflower throughout their whole trip to the dining hall

"Yeah actually, he gets really talkative about his interests! I always let him rant and hear him even if I haven't read the book or watch he movie or show he did" - Neil whispered back

"Ohh ok let's just go eat then!" - Charlie said and Todd finally shut up because he was starved

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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