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It was the first day of school for neil and the dead poets, they had a pretty fun summer they all hanged out alot! And neil made a new friend! Isn't that exciting?

Neil walked into hellton as per usual like if he didn't even have summer vacation, he had stayed with Mr. Keating and Mr. McAllister after they had adopted him and his dad had gone to jail, he cut contact with his mom, even if she tried to contact him and reach out, he felt like she didn't care about him, after all she had stayed with his dad throughout all those years even when he mentally and sometimes physically abused him, she had done nothing to help him, at least he was happier now

Neil walks into his dorm expecting his roommate to already be there as usual, and of course there he was jotting down in his notebook

"Hey Todd! Summer vacation was pretty good huh! Now we're back at hellton like we always are" - Neil started off the convo and gave Todd a big warm hug

"Uhh hi Neil!" - he whispered

"Where's the excitement? Already want to go back to summer vacation?" - Neil asked while storing his baggage

"No of course not Neil, I love hellton!" - Todd sarcastically said

"Hellton missed you too!" - Neil said sarcastically and giggled

They heard someone knock on the door and Neil went and opened it, who was at the door?

Of course it was Charlie and Knox!

"Hey lovebirds!" - Charlie smirked

"Hey lovebirds" - Neil said back

Todd and Knox both sighed

"So I bet you'll do good this year in English and Latin? With the teachers as your dad's I'd do pretty well too!!" - Charlie stated jealously

"You bet I will!" - Neil laughed

"You'll help me smart ass?" - Charlie requested while pointing at Neil

"Sure! Only if you give me something in return, life is business "Nuwanda"" - Neil joked

"UGH you and your business things, what do you want?" - Charlie questioned

"Hmm, maybe some money?" - Neil asked

"You know God damn well I ain't giving it to you" - Charlie remarked

"Fine then what will you give me in exchange?" - He asked

"I don't know, Hey Knox what can we give this twink" - Charlie turned to Knox

"TWINK?? Please Charlie I'm not a twink" - Neil snapped

"It's "Nuwanda" Neil" - Charlie said without looking back waiting for Knox's response

"It's "Neil" Nuwanda" - Neil ordered

"Hey you don't get to steal MY thing! Who do you think you are?" - Charlie angrly turned back to Neil

"I don't know, maybe I'm NEIL KEATING?" - Neil shouted

"OH YEAH? YOU WANNA FIGHT OVER THIS MAN" - Charlie shouted back

"Cmon guys stop" - Todd and Knox said in unison

"COME HERE LITTLE MAN" - Charlie shouted at Neil while Knox was tryna hold him back

"WHO YOU CALLING LITTLE? YOUR ASS IS ALMOST AS SHORT AS AN ERASER!!" - Neil shouted back at him while Todd was also trying to hold him back

"Whats all this commotion?" - a familiar female voice spoke

"CHRIS?!" - they all shouted

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