Chapter - 6

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Ella woke up to the sound of sirens and shouting outside her apartment. Groggily, she rubbed her eyes and peeked out of her window. What she saw made her heart drop—police cars, two wrecked vehicles, and an ambulance.

She quickly dressed and hurried downstairs, where she found her neighbor, Mrs. Thompson, standing outside.

"What's going on?" Ella asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Mrs. Thompson shook her head. "There was a huge fight between two gangs around 4 a.m. It got so out of hand that someone used their cars as weapons, crashing them here and there. Several people were injured, and some are in critical condition at the hospital."

Ella felt a pang of anxiety. "That's terrible. But why is the police still here?"

"They're investigating and talking to everyone in the building. Unfortunately, no one can leave until they're done."

Panic set in as Ella realized she would be late for work. She approached one of the officers, explaining her situation and begging to be allowed to leave, but the investigation took precedence. Despite her efforts, it was nearly an hour before she was finally permitted to go.

As she hurried to the office, her heart sank. It was only her second day, and she was already late. This could jeopardize her job.

At the Office:

Ella rushed into the building, her heart pounding. She noticed her team members giving her odd looks as she made her way to her desk. She barely had time to settle in before her manager approached her, his expression a mixture of sourness and disgust.

"Miss Roberts, the president wants to see you. Now," he said curtly.

Ella's stomach twisted in knots. Lucas Harrison, the president, was known for his strictness and disdain for tardiness. Gathering her courage, she walked to his office and knocked on the door.

"Come in," came Lucas's stern voice.

Ella entered, feeling small under his piercing gaze. He looked at her with an expression of barely contained anger.

"Where were you?" he demanded, not giving her a chance to explain. "You're one hour late. Do you have no respect for Harrison Corporation? You're such a spoiled child, with no sense of responsibility. You don't deserve this job."

His words cut deep, each one like a slap in the face. Ella stood there, trying to hold back her tears. He continued, his voice dripping with sarcasm and contempt.

"Do you think this company runs on your schedule? People like you who have no respect for time and professionalism don't belong here. You're careless and irresponsible. Why did we even hire you?"

Ella felt her cheeks burning with humiliation. "I'm sorry, Mr. Harrison. There was an emergency at my apartment this morning, and I did everything I could to get here as soon as possible. I promise this won't happen again."

Lucas scoffed. "Promises? You think promises will make up for your lack of discipline? This is a place of business, Miss Roberts, not a playground. We value punctuality and dedication. Clearly, those are foreign concepts to you."

Ella felt tears welling up but refused to let them fall. She took a deep breath and spoke, her voice trembling but resolute. "I know how to separate my personal and professional life better than you might think, Mr. Harrison. This won't happen again."

Lucas glared at her, his eyes cold. "Just don't let it happen again. Now get out of my office and get back to work."

Ella nodded and left his office, her hands shaking. She had never been so humiliated, but she refused to let it break her. She would prove to Lucas Harrison and everyone else that she deserved her place at Harrison Corporation.

Back at Her Desk:

As Ella made her way back to her desk, she could feel the eyes of her team members on her, their gazes filled with judgment and disdain. Whispered comments reached her ears:

"Did you see the way she walked in late? So unprofessional."

"She's definitely not going to last long here."

"Some people just don't know how to take a job seriously."

Ella bit her lip, trying to ignore the whispers and focus on her work. But the humiliation lingered, gnawing at her resolve. Her manager approached her desk, not bothering to hide his annoyance.

"Don't think this will go unnoticed, Miss Roberts. The president has his eye on you now. One more slip-up, and you're out."

Ella nodded, fighting back tears. She knew she had to work twice as hard to prove herself, to show that she could be reliable and dedicated. But the weight of everyone's disdain felt like a heavy burden on her shoulders.

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