Chapter one: The Village

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It had been a few days since... the incident.

I knew the king was anxious, that he was feeling guilty and he needed me to help him, but it had been too long since I'd last been to the forest.

I sighed, putting my mossy poncho into my bag, before leaving my sparse room and locking the door.

I walked through the bright hall, and made a quick stop at the medical wing, wrinkling my nose at the thick scent of herbs and incense in the air, wondering why medicine was often associated with blinding white walls.

Ren was here again, holding his other advisor's hand, looking so guilty as he whispered something to him, still missing his cloak, the bags under his eyes more prevalent than usual.

I sighed, walking over, and put a hand on his shoulder. "It wasn't your fault, you know."

Ren looked away, shaking his head. "Bdubs, I know you're trying to help, but today is not the day. I broke the promise, I— I don't deserve your guys' help."

I sighed, gently hugging him. "It wasn't your fault. We— we just forgot about—"

Ren stiffened, pushing me away. "It was my fault." He growled. "Go tell those lazy mechanics that they'd better hurry up." He ordered, his voice tense, his pupil shrinking a little.

I nodded, taking one last glance at the thick bandages covering my friend's face and sighing. "Alright, but I don't hold much sway over them." I muttered as I turned to leave.

I walked down to the workers wing, heading down the dusty stairs, where Impulse and Mumbo were tinkering away, Tango nowhere to be seen, as per usual.

Sometimes I worried about where he kept vanishing off to, but I never had the time to worry about it.

I peeked into the room they usually were in, and sighed. Mumbo was arguing with Impulse again.

"Hey, the king is getting a bit impatient with your lack of progress." I called, really not wanting to linger in the castle for long and hoping I didn't have to stay and argue.

"Tell him that it's a difficult process, especially since we lack volunteers and the bugs are too weak." Impulse snapped, turning his glare to me.

I sighed, deciding now was the time I should leave. "I will, but he won't like it, especially with recent events." I partially mumbled to myself, just loud enough for them to hear.

I hurried out the castle, and quickly headed to leave the city around it, ignoring the stares from the citizens and the catcalls of merchants as best I could.

As soon as I reached the forest, I donned my poncho, making sure to wrap my scarf around my head to obscure my face, and put on my adventuring boots.

I headed through the forest, and made sure to not take the path that led to the Darkwoods —I'd made that mistake one too many times— and hopped over a small stream.

Finally, I arrived in Spes, the small yet lively village where the magic folk were living as of late since they no longer had to worry about being hunted.

"Ah, Moss man, you're back!" Zedaph called, using the nickname they'd given me. The sheep hybrid walked over, a smile on his face.

I smiled and nodded, waving at him. "Hiya! How are you?" I asked, noting someone had built a new burrow near the edge, a few piles of dirt around the entrance.

Zedaph approached, and, if I hadn't been used to it, I would've thought the thick wool covering his chest and arms was a shirt.

He smiled, excitedly grabbing my wrists, and glancing around. "Oh, I'm doing really well. We have a new citizen, though he's a bit standoffish. Any news from the castle?"

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