Chapter four: Questions

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It had been a few days since Moss man had last visited, and I was curious, to say the least.

Someone attacking the kings advisors that wasn't Jevin?

That was certainly strange.

Normally, all our news of the happenings in the castle came from Moss man's erratic visits, but I, fortunately, could shift into a mostly human form, and had a friend in the castle who let me visit when he wasn't too busy.

I'd tried to get False to join me, but she rarely did and insisted that she needed to help Xisuma make sure the village was running smoothly, and, when she did, she got jumpy around so many people.

I slithered carefully to the edge of the woods, by the path most people took to get to the city and castle, before focusing.

I took a deep breath, before feeling my scales fade into skin, my tail splitting into legs, most of the snakes in my hair turning into long ginger braids, and my fangs vanishing.

I took a moment to get used to having legs, glad my boots and long pants were still on from the last time I'd done this, and awkwardly stumbled along for a moment. "How do you guys live like this?" I grumbled to myself as I slowly got the hang of it.

I walked down the dirt road, humming softly to myself, before hurrying into the city.

I walked by the vex's shop as I passed through the markets, waving to Cub as I passed by, and made my way to the castle gates.

"Hello, I'm here to see Joe." I greeted the two guards giving me suspicious glances.

A more senior guard who obviously recognized me sighed. "I'll go let him know you're back again."

I watched as she left, and waited patiently.

Finally, after a minute, Joe, wearing a blue tunic with white embroidery, ran over, a wide smile on his face. "Cleo! You're back!" He stepped through the gate, and pulled me into a tight hug.

I hugged him back, smiling. "Joe, it's good to see you. How've you been?" I asked, smiling brightly as I studied my old friend.

Joe sighed, pulling away. "I've been doing okay. You know, why don't we go inside and talk?" He asked, starting to lead me to the courtyard.

I nodded. "Oh, yeah, that's a great idea." I agreed.


I sat in Joe's office, sipping the tea he'd supplied me, glancing at the stacks of papers on his desk. "Joe, are you writing an essay on the history of dragons or something?" I asked.

My friend let out a heavy sigh, rubbing his forehead. "No, I'm trying to write the laws that will eventually make it so people can use magic in public, along with very specific regulations that will eventually be lifted once public trust is high enough." He sighed again, sitting across from me.

"And then I also have to write rebuttals towards those groups arguing about allowing hybrids to live in the city." He adjusted his glasses, and gave me a smile. "But you're not here to listen to me ramble about politics. How've you been?"

I considered, smiling. "Well, I've been doing okay. There's a new guy in Spes now, spent a whole day following me to ask how my hair worked, but he seems alright."

"That's good." Joe noted, grabbing a quill. "Do those vex you talk about live in Spes too?" He asked, grabbing a paper and starting to write.

I shrugged. "Honestly, I have no idea where they live, just that they've been around. Oh, then there's the Moss man who claims to live in the castle walls and knows almost everything."

Joe paused, raising an eyebrow. "Oh really? When did he last visit?"

I considered. "Well, he last visited a few days ago, said something happened to one of the kings advisors, and it was very bloody. I was tempted to think he was just spreading rumors, but he seemed really rattled." I noted, before looking up to see alarm on Joe's face.

Joe shivered, eyes wide. "Oh! Oh dear. Well, I guess you already know, but something did happen to Grian, though neither Ren nor Bdubs will say what it was exactly."

I hummed, considering. "Huh. Well, maybe I can figure it out. I know my magic, and I'd know if it was Jevin's doing." I responded.

Joe hesitated. "I don't know, Cleo. Grian doesn't really know you, and Ren is deeply concerned about him." He stood, a thoughtful look crossing his face, and stretched. "Though... I guess it couldn't hurt to see if Grian wants to visit."


The healers hall was filled with curtains separating empty beds, an odd scent, a lot of shelves filled with strange plants and vials, and, towards the back of the room, most of the healers, who were busy checking up on a man with a heavily bandaged face.

Joe led me over, and smiled at Grian. "Hey, Grian. How are you feeling?" He asked, his tone gentle.

Grian sighed, sitting up and itching at his arm. "I could be better, could be worse. However, at least I can actually talk today." He noted with a bit of cheer in his weak voice, though he winced with every other word.

I studied him, though his face was too bandaged for me to actually see any wounds. "That doesn't sound too fun."

Grian nodded, and looked away.

Joe hesitated. "If I may ask, what happened?"

Grian froze, before looking even further away. "It- it doesn't matter. It wasn't his fault." He whispered that last part, looking sad.

Joe sighed. "If you say so. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know, okay?"

Grian nodded, flashing him a grateful smile. "I will. Thanks, Joe." He then glanced at me again. "Cleo, did you always have that mark on your face, by your eye?" He asked.

I reached up, feeling by my eyes, and felt smooth scales at the corner of one. "Oh, I've... uh, my friends draw stuff on my face when I sleep sometimes!" I stammered out, trying not to panic as I glanced worriedly at the healers.

Joe glanced at me, playing along. "You know, I thought you'd gotten them to stop that a while ago."

I sighed, casually twirling a strand of hair with a finger. "Oh, I did, then someone started doing it again, haven't figured out who, and I've tried to let them know I'm going to break their legs." I answered, rolling with the narrative as best I could.

Grian nodded, sighing. "Alright. I guess that makes sense. Anyways, what brings you here?"

Joe quickly responded. "Cleo and I were visiting when the topic of your current predicament came up, and she suggested we visit you."

I nodded, smiling. "Yeah, figured you might be a little bored." I agreed.

Grian smiled, wincing slightly. "Oh, thank you. It's nice to have a visitor other than Ren." He noted.


We'd talked with Grian for another half hour before Ren came in and kicked us out, to Grian's disapproval.

I was now sitting in Joe's office, idly pushing at an empty ink jar, and noted that someone was jiggling the doorknob, hurrying to hide my arms which were covered in scales once more.

Joe sighed, standing, and opened the door. "Can I help you?" He asked enthusiastically, standing so whoever it was couldn't see me well.

"I need to borrow quills. Do you have any spares?" A gardener with a pink flower crown around her head asked.

Joe nodded. "Of course, of course. Cleo, the spares are in that drawer by your hand." He called to me, allowing me to duck down for a minute and return my arms to human arms.

word count: 1289

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