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YO, let's start of with some lovely amazing headcanons so we both understand the story🫡

Tomioka Giyuu
Doesn't like being touched
Calls Sanemi, Sane or Shina, sometimes Nem
Light on his feet, very quiet and accidentally sneaks up on people
Can't maintain eye contact
nice body figure. slim waist and idk 🙂‍↕️
has a large tattoo to his thigh and down to his shin (only one person knows what tattoo it is)
take care of his hair very well
Likes whales a lot
Great friendship with Tengen

Shinazugawa Sanemi
Shark teeth :3
gets jealous easily
Likes being touched, it makes his day better
Can maintain eye contact, it's scary
Muscular body figure
Normally the one making the first move
he doesn't like it when people call him Nemi and says only genya can call him that
He calls Iguro, Ru and Tomioka, Tomi or Yuu.
Enjoys kissing or kisses
Soft spot for a certain someone (wink wink)

Kocho Shinobu
pokes Tomioka and teases him for being lonely
has a friendly relationship with mitsuri and often makes fun of obanai for not having anything with her
Although she doesn't like Tengen as much, they talk more and usually bet on relationships and hook ups.
Best at sarcasm
Really sweet but harshly sweet
Very bold

Konroji Mitsuri
Cheeks are always a light pink
Very loud but only in moments that are appropriate (almost everywhere..)
enjoys Obanais company
very touchy
shy at first but very confident once you know her
the only one without a phone bc she keeps loosing it (misplacing)
Calls obanai 'obi'

Iguro Obanai
instead of bandages, he wears a mask
pretty supportive when it comes to mitsuri and sanemi
often makes fun of sanemi for liking tomioka
very quiet
Calls Sanemi, Sane and Calls Mitsuri, Mimi or Roji
makes fun of people silently or out loud
will point out the worse
has awesome predictions for anything
places bets with tengen and kocho

Uzui Tengen
Best friends with rengoku and kocho
very loud
always talks about being flashy and better than everyone (He respects everyone deeply)
despite having three wives, he's with rengoku but no sexual means with him
often wears yukatas with leg slits
has a huge leg tattoo of one of his form of breathing style
He has a great friendship with Tomioka, usually calls him, "My man" in a friendly way
Down bad for Tomioka (In Sanemi's eyes)

Kyojuro Rengoku
Also best friends with Uzui but also with mitsuri
Very loud
keeps uzui from going to far
he doesn't point out the obvious things like tengen
A really sweet guy and very supportive when necessary
very defending
Mostly calls people by their first name
often mis names people (he accidentally called sanemi genya)

Tokito Muichiro
forgets often but genya helps him remember
Very stylish whenever he goes out
platonic relationship with Genya, (compliments small kisses and hugs)
Enjoys sleeping
Second best at sarcasm
he redyes his hair tips sometimes
Points out the obvious
(I forgot most of his headcanons)

Gyomei Himejima
he just supervises.. somehow
very gentle
Prays before sleeping
caretaker of Genya and Muichiro
knows every gossip

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