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Tomioka POV
Once i've arrive, I waved bye to Tanjiro's crow and then entered. I see almost everyone but Tengen and Himejima has arrived. I stood near but yet distanced myself from everyone, standing a corner. "Tomioka! You've arrived!" A familiar voice came through my ear, Rengoku.
"Hi Kyojuro"
He puts his arm around me, holding me close. I flinch a little at the contact and I feel uncomfortable. I could feel a pair of eyes looking at us..
Third Person
When Tomioka came in, Sanemi looked over and saw him walk in. His face turning a light pink, "Dude what's with your face?" Obanai asked, almost teasing sounding. Sanemi looks back at Obanai, "Nothing" He lied.
He heard Rengokus voice from where Tomioka was and looked at both of them while Obanai trailed off talking about Mitsuri. Sanemi started to feel jealousy around his entire person.
Tomioka POV
Rengoku elbows him slightly, "Someone's jealous" he purred, I look up at him in confusion, "What do you mean?" I ask, Rengoku still has his arm around me and gets closer,
"Sanemi is jealous" he whispered. My face lit up in shock, "uhm.. why?" He takes a step back, I look up at him. "Because i'm close to you. I overheard that he doesn't like when you're very close to someone" My face relaxed a little but it still left me in shock.
Third Person
Tengen finally walks in, "I HAVE ARRIVED!!" He yells out, Himejima was just behind him.
They all settle in a circle, it was already getting dark so it's picking a roommate time.
"I think we should spine the bottle to see who gets who!" Mitsuri suggested and they all agreed.
Muichiro and Genya were already in their room since they're the youngest and have already chosen.
Tengen hands the bottle to Shinobu, "Let's see your luck insect" Tengen smirks, Shinobu shares the same expression. She spun the bottle and it landed on,
Shinobu laughed, "I got mitsuri. In your face Obanai!" She brags, Obanai looks at her with an annoyed look. Shinobu hands the bottle to Obanai, "Test your luck" she purred. Obanai spun the bottle and landed on,
He sighed deeply, "WHATTT" Yelled Tengen, "Here, test your luck Tengen"
Tomioka and the others were sitting patiently
Tengen spun the bottle and it landed on,
"Himejimaaaa! woo! Got someone good!" He yelled.
Everyone turned to look at Tomioka and Sanemi, being the only two left, "Ooo, this is interesting.." Shinobu chuckles. Tomioka comes back to earth, "hm?" he looks up and sees everyone else with their partner, "I AM NOT STAYING WITH HIM!!" Sanemi yelled, startling Tomioka.
Out of everyone, Shinazugawa..? this is going to be a long two weeks..
"THIS IS RIGGED!" Sanemi yells, smashing the bottle. Thankfully it wasn't glass.. "Calm down Shinazugawa, i'm sure Tomioka isn't THAT bad." Mitsuri tired to comfort him and Sanemi turns to her with a red face, "I am not going to survive. You already know why" He whispers to her.
Everyone went to their rooms once getting the key to their rooms.
Sanemi unlocks the door to their room, "Don't get any weird ideas of becoming friends." He says before walking in the room.
He claims the closest bed while Tomioka gets the bed farther from the door and then plops onto the bed after putting his things down, tired from all the yelling.
Soon, he fell asleep.
Sanemi was still awake, by now it's 10 at night and he's not sleepy.
Sanemi POV
Tomioka already fell asleep.. lucky bitch for being able to sleep that fast. I sit up from my bed and then walk towards the kitchen and cooked myself something up, trying not to wake him from his slumber.
After I finished cooking it was 10 40 already. I ate slowly to see if i get sleepy but, nothing. I sat there eating then after i finished, i washed the dish and just sat there with my thoughts.
All of my thoughts were about Tomioka.
What do his lips feel like?
That was my main thought.
I hate him so much. I HATE HIM!
Why do i think about him??? Why?! ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO STOP! It's so annoying. He's annoying. Ugh i hate him.
I snap out of my thoughts once i hear my name, "Shinazugawa.?"
It's Tomioka.
"Uhm.. what do you want." I ask firmly, "Are you okay?" He asks, his voice soft, deep and concerned sounding, "Why do you care? I'm fine."  I say, aggressively.
Tomioka walks over and takes a seat in front of me, "Are you sure? You look like you have a fever.." I look up and see his eyes, their droopy and his hair was loose.
"I said i'm fine Tomioka. Go the fuck asleep."
"Uhm.. okay."
He went back to bed, plopping back on.
His voice echoed in my head, I bang my head against the table but not hard enough for Tomioka to wake up and get worried again.
Soon, it's 12 30am and the sleep starts setting in.
I head to my bed, removing my shirt and plopping down, covering myself in the process and I fell asleep.

"Goodnight Giyuu"
I mumble.

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