Week 1 - Monday !

68 1 5

Third Person
Shinazugawa shakes Tomioka awake, "hm?"
"Get up, we're going to the hot springs."
"This early.?" Tomioka groaned
"Yes, now get the fuck up."
"yes sir.."
The 'yes sir' Tomioka gave him made him blush a light pink, Tomioka sits up and removes his shirt. Still half asleep.
He walks to the bathroom and washes his face and while he's in there, he brushes his hair doing his normal hair routine.

Sanemi is preparing them some rice to eat before leaving. Two for Tomioka and two for himself, Soon Tomioka comes out. "Hey-" Sanemi says, cutting himself off and staring at Tomioka shirtless and hair loose, "Something wrong?" he asked, "no.. nothing but there's your food on the table." He points to the table. "Thank you Shinazugawa."
After they eat, they both head off to the hot springs.
They both head to the farthest one in the corner.
Tomioka looks around and sees they're the only ones at the hot springs, guessing that everyone else is sleeping and that there's a reason why Shinazugawa brought him down here alone at this hour.
They both remove their clothes and hop in the warm water.
A few minutes go by
"So.. why did you want to come down here so early?" Giyuu asked, putting his hair up into a messy bun.
"No reason. Just.. wanted to come down here and chill." Shinazugawa was always calm and peaceful at the hot springs but he felt a little off with all the feelings he had for Tomioka.
"I see.. but why did you want to come down here with me?" Tomioka looked at Shinazugawa, his blue eyes meeting with the pair of lavender eyes.
"What? you got a fucking problem that I brought you here?? You should be fucking grateful."
"Yes.. sorry Shinazugawa."
Hearing Tomioka say his last name over and over again was slightly annoying, he's almost like a puppy following his owner non stop.
They stayed there for a good 10 minutes before Shinazugawa made a move of moving closer to Tomioka.
"Tomioka.. It's only the first fucking day right?"
"Uhm.. yea. Why?"
Tomioka was always playing a clueless act and it's was almost obvious, Shinazugawa knew.
Sanemi positioned himself in front of Tomioka, not touching him. only making a few moves that come in contact, "Only the first.. fucking day Tomioka."
A light pink dusted Tomioka's face
"I swear. You make me feel something. It's hella annoying and it's so fucking hard to keep my eyes off you"
Sanemi gets closer to him, now their legs were touching or more so their thighs were.
Giyuu doesn't respond
"You and those eyes of yours, I fucking hate them but I can't stop fucking looking at them"
The tension at the moment between them was heating up, the warm water got hotter and Tomioka's face started to heat up from Shinazugawa's words.
"Your stupid smile.. Your fucking body, your clueless little personality,"
he pauses
"Fuck sake.. I FUCKING LOVE YOU"
Tomioka's eyes widen
"what.?" He says, he knows what he said but he wants to hear it again
"What? you didn't hear me? you want to hear it again?"
Sanemi leans in closer, his mouth close to his ear, Tomioka could feel his hot breath on his neck
"I. Fucking. Love. You."
He repeats, slower and putting a pause between each word.
He backs away from his ear and looks at his blue eyes.
They both don't say anything and soon, Tomioka leans in to kiss him and Shinazugawa returns the kiss, his tongue entering Tomioka's mouth, exploring each and every inch of his mouth while Sanemi's hands roam around his body as they kiss.


It was only Shinazugawa's dream.
He wakes up sweating and his face flushed red. He checks the time and sees it's only 8AM. He turns his head to the side and sees Tomioka has already gotten up, "Good morning Shinazugawa" He says, leaning on the wall of the entrance to the kitchen.
"Morning.." He groans.
He gets up and sees that Tomioka has already made him breakfast, "What's this?"
"Ohagi. Thought you might like it.."
Tomioka knew that it was his favorite food.
"Thank you.." Shinazugawa could feel his heart beating quick, almost like it's about to pump out of his chest.
After they ate, they cleaned a little and made their beds.
"Hey, imma go get some food for tonight" Says Tomioka as he puts on his yukata which has waves at the bottom, making it obvious he's the water hashira.
"Yea yea, no need to fuckin tell me" Shinazugawa  stands up and fixes up Tomioka's yukata, making sure that his chest isn't spilling out. He blushes a light pink, "Uhm.. okay. I'll see you later" He steps away from Sanemi and grabs the key to the room and open the door as he walks out.
Tomioka walks out and is fully out of Shinazugawa's presence.
He's alone now
with his thoughts

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