- Nineteenth -

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When it was announced that the presents were to be distributed, everyone came closer together, the children dispersing to find their parents. Even though the presents were opened during the party, it was still a family affair, with everyone in a corner, the children opening the presents their parents had bought.

Jungkook hurried to join his family, who had settled down in a corner of the main hall, near one of the bay windows. He was closely followed by Taehyung, whose family were not present this evening, so he preferred to spend Christmas with his two favourite Jeons. At the Jeons' feet was a large pile of presents, the twins' much larger than Jin's because of their ages, and it didn't take long for the two brothers to pounce on the presents, ready to open them.

"Mom, mom, can we open them?" asked Jongsu, who couldn't hide his excitement.

Hyeri couldn't help smiling to see her children so eager, their eyes shining with excitement.

"Anyway, I don't think we can hold you for much longer, so go on!"

That's all it took for the twins to start unwrapping the presents, watched by the four adults around them. Taehyung naturally leaned over Jungkook, a smile gradually forming on his lips as the boy discovered a new present.

Jungkook looked so adorable, so innocent. His eyes lit up with a childlike gleam every time, while his cheeks turned pink both from the excitement and from the speed with which the boy moved from one present to the next. Taehyung really had to restrain himself from pinching those adorable little cheeks, which looked like two plump buns. And that little smile on his face, revealing two tiny teeth that made him look like a little bunny. How could anyone fail to fall for the adorable Jeon Jungkook?

However, that smile faltered when he opened his latest present. It was a skateboard, and it looked good, one of the latest models. But Jungkook couldn't help feeling disappointed. After all, there was something else Jungkook wanted more than anything...

"Wow, a bike! Thanks, Mom, Dad!" Jongsu suddenly exclaimed, having unwrapped his latest present.

Jungkook looked up at him and felt the world crumble around him when he saw that Jongsu was standing next to a brand new bike, the latest model. The one that Jungkook had put at the top of his list. The one he'd asked for. Not Jongsu. So why...? Why had Jongsu ended up (again) with the thing he'd wanted most?

Jin and Taehyung immediately exchanged a confused look, before the older brother walked over to his mother.

"Mom, what does this mean?" he asked. "Jungkook had put this bike at the top of his list? He even told me he was prepared to sacrifice the other presents for that one."

The woman seemed a little confused at first, but then gave an embarrassed smile.

"Jongsu had done the same, he'd come specially to see me to tell me that he really wanted this present..."

"But why didn't you give it to Jungkook as well?!"

"Because Jungkook never wants to have the same things as his brother, he doesn't like people confusing them! So I thought he'd like this skateboard!"

She then turned to Jungkook, who was watching them silently, his eyes wide. He was incapable of the slightest reaction, completely shocked. Because the last time he'd seen Jongsu's list, the bike hadn't appeared. He hadn't added it because that's what Jungkook wanted... right?

"Jungkook darling, you like your skateboard, don't you?" Hyeri asked enthusiastically. "It's the latest model, the seller told me that all the boys your age want it!"

But the little boy didn't reply. He just watched his mother silently, before his gaze shifted to his twin. The latter was looking at them with a disinterested air. He didn't even seem to like his present.

"Why..." sighed the boy.

Hyeri frowned, leaning closer to hear her son. The boy turned his attention back to her, plunging a blank gaze into hers.

"Why do you prove to me day after day that you love him more than me?"

Hyeri's eyes widened.

"W-What?" Jungkook, what are you talking about? The three of you are my children, I love you all equally..."

But Jungkook shook his head.

"No, you don't. Jin and I are nothing compared to him... You treat us like nothing compared to him..."

Hyeri stepped back, surprise and incomprehension written all over her face. She turned immediately to Jin, because she knew it wasn't true. She knew that her eldest son would support her, because obviously she loved them all equally, she wasn't playing favourites. It was just that Jongsu was fragile. He needed a bit more attention, that was all. Jungkook was still young, so it was normal that he didn't understand. But Jin understood.

Yet she felt her heart clench when she saw the same pain in Jin's eyes as Jungkook's. No, they were doing it on purpose. How could they accuse her of something like that? If she didn't love her sons, why would she have given them so many gifts? Every time they needed something, she bought it for them. Yes, because of Jongsu's health, she couldn't give them as much attention as she would have liked. But did that mean she didn't love them? That she loved them less than Jongsu? That was stupid!

"You can't be serious..."

A heavy silence fell, plunging the little family into a gloomy atmosphere. Only Jongsu seemed almost amused by the situation. And seeing him so proud, with his brand new bike, a bike that Jungkook desperately wanted, made him want to cry. He felt the tears welling up and couldn't hold them back as they slid down his cheeks.

Watching the scene, Taehyung sighed, his heart heavy at the sight of Jungkook's sadness. He hated to see him in such a state, he who was a little angel. So he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a file folded in half.

"Honestly, I thought things would end up like this." he suddenly admitted, drawing the attention of all the Jeons.

He knelt down in front of Jungkook and handed him the file, smiling. The boy grabbed it curiously, his tears having subsided, but still crying.

"W-What's this?" he asked shyly.

"Your Christmas present, sweetheart. Go on, open it."

Jungkook was even more confused, but complied. He took out some documents, with a lot of things written on them that Jungkook didn't understand. Taehyung encouraged him to look at all the documents, and he finally stopped at a photo showing a bike sitting in front of a building that didn't look Seoulite.

"That's the bike I wanted..." murmured Jungkook.

"Yes... it's yours... just like the building behind it, which is in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, the most beautiful part of the French capital."

All the Jeons widened their eyes in surprise, finding it hard to believe what they had just heard.

"Taehyung, this is a joke, right?" intervened Hyeri, in shock.

"Why should it be? I'm deadly serious."

"But... you can't give a building to a child..."

The young man stood up, helping Jungkook to do the same, the boy still in shock.

"Now that this building is in his name, he'll be able to enjoy it for the rest of his life. He could even sell it later if he didn't like it anymore."

"That's rubbish..." sighed Hyeri.

Taehyung's gaze hardened, and he left Jungkook side to approach his mother, plunging his dark eyes into hers.

"If I were you, I'd keep a low profile for a while. Because this gift is to make up for all the damage you've done to him."


Hello, sorry for the long wait... Honestly, I'm not really proud of this chapter, but I started this Christmas thing, so I had to finish it...

I hope you you nonetheless liked it, and see you soon💕

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