Chapter Thirty-Six - A Dangerous Double Team!

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With a swift motion, Marshall reached to his waist and grabbed two Pokéballs. "Let's see how you handle this!" he shouted, flinging them into the air. A flash of purple energy accompanied the release of his Pokémon, and two formidable figures appeared on the battlefield: a menacing Duskull and a vicious-looking Houndour. They both exuded an aura of darkness and aggression.

Raido took a deep breath, readying himself and his Pokémon for the upcoming battle. His mind was set on defending Tyrunt, Nidoran, and the honour of his father's name. But as he prepared to issue his commands, Elder Troy stepped forward, raising a hand to pause him.

"Raido," the Elder said with a calm yet firm voice, "Tyrunt has proven itself today. It is brave but fatigued. Let him rest. I will join you in this battle."

Raido looked at Elder Troy in surprise. "Elder, you want to fight alongside me?"

Elder Troy nodded. "As the guardian of Sprout Tower, it is my duty to protect this sacred place, my brothers and sisters, and the sanctity of our home. I will stand with you against this threat."

A monk approached, holding a plump purple cushion with a Pokéball nestled comfortably atop it. With reverence, the monk presented it to Elder Troy, who accepted it with a nod of gratitude. The monk bowed and returned to his station, leaving Elder Troy to face Marshall.

Marshall laughed ominously, mocking the elder. "You think you can stand up to me, old man? With that weak Pokémon?"

Elder Troy remained unphased. He turned to Raido. "Remember, Raido, your bond with Nidoran is your greatest strength. Trust in it."

Raido nodded, feeling a surge of determination. "We'll do our best, Elder."

Elder Troy then released his Pokémon from its Pokéball. With a flash of light, a Weepinbell appeared, fierce and determined to defend its domain. It let out a cry, ready for battle.

"Duskull, Houndour, show them no mercy!" Marshall commanded.

The battle commenced with intense ferocity. Houndour leaped forward, its jaws snapping with dark flames, aiming straight for Weepinbell. At the same time, Duskull hovered ominously, its single eye glowing as it prepared a sinister attack.

"Weepinbell, use Vine Whip to hold off Houndour!" Elder Troy commanded.

Weepinbell lashed out with its vines, striking Houndour and pushing it back slightly. The fire-type Pokémon snarled, unshaken by the weak grass attack.

"Nidoran, Double Kick on Duskull!" Raido called out.

Nidoran darted forward, her powerful legs delivering a swift double kick to Duskull. The ghost-type Pokémon remained stationary as Nidoran phased through the ghost-Pokemon's form. Nidoran landed a few yards, her attack rendered useless. Raido huffed, frustrated.

Marshall's expression darkened. "Duskull, use Shadow Ball! Houndour, Ember!"

Duskull conjured a dark, crackling ball of energy, hurling it toward Nidoran. Simultaneously, Houndour unleashed a burst of fiery embers at Weepinbell.

"Counter with Acid, Weepinbell!" Elder Troy ordered.

Weepinbell spewed a stream of acidic liquid, intercepting the Ember attack and momentarily neutralising it. Meanwhile, Nidoran narrowly managed to dodge the Shadow Ball, landing gracefully on her feet.

Raido took a moment to assess the battlefield, analysing the strengths and weaknesses of their opponents. His mind raced as he considered their options.

"Elder Troy," Raido called out, "I have a tactic. Let's swap opponents. Nidoran can handle Houndour, and Weepinbell can focus on Duskull. This way, we can mitigate their type advantages and maximise our chances."

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