Chapter IV - "A strange, yet helpful vial"

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Chapter IV – "A strange, yet helpful vial."

As time passed by, it was to be expected that Alhaitham's wounds would heal, but not his mentality...

Alhaitham's life continued on without Kaveh but even though, the pain and regret still remained....

As Alhaitham looked at the window where the moonlight illuminates his room, he found himself looking at the self-portrait of 'him' looking so happy and with no worries...he would do anything to see his smile once more......




But little did Alhaitham know, all the supposedly "dream" was a reality...Well, on the other world as them...

"My god...please be alright..." Kaveh said with concern in his tone looking at the boy who had a greyish lock that was lying lifeless on the hospital bed. Upon sitting next to him he was getting a bit restless as he was worried about his well-being.

As Kaveh looked at Alhaitham he couldn't help but get drawn to his face, as he stared at him, he couldn't lie that he really had a handsome feature making him envy his facial features as a sigh escaped his mouth.

He was about to stand up when he noticed the boy who was lying unconscious on the hospital bed was starting to stir awake causing his eyes to widen, he quickly stood up to check on him.

"Hey, new guy... How are you feeling?" Kaveh asked, looking concerned about his well-being.

As Alhaitham's eyes were starting to flutter awake, the first thing he saw was Kaveh, and he couldn't help but smile bittersweetly.

"...I'm sorry..." Alhaitham said barely above a whisper, his eyes fluttered awake, as he tried to sit up on the hospital bed.

With this, it left Kaveh dumbfounded why did he apologize...? Was it because of the trouble he caused him...?

But such a question then disappeared in thin air as he saw him getting back into his unconscious state.

"Just... whatever, new guy... word of advice, don't just suddenly pass out on me...!" Kaveh exclaimed not knowing what to do at this point, as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Did you know just how worried the teachers were?" Kaveh lowered his hand and looked at him, as he thought to himself; 'And me.'

The silence was loud more than any sound there was, as he sighed, speaking out to break the silence.

"Do you have anemia or something? It's not good to skip your meds, new guy."


It was as if the whole world stopped for a while when this fellow let this word escape his lips, was this his name...?

"I see, it's Kaveh." He replied as he looked away breaking eye contact between the two, Alhaitham's gaze then fell, looking at his hand, opening and closing them as if testing for something.

"Well, Alhaitham." Kaveh hesitated for a second, as the name on his tongue felt a bit foreign yet natural at the same time.

"You're fine now, aren't you? I still have my afternoon class so goodbye for now."

But as soon as Kaveh was about to walk out of the room, Alhaitham spoke.

"Thanks, by the way, will you come by again?"

"Pfft- of course, with the others as well. You're new to the school, you need more friends to help you if ever you get yourself in a pinch."

Alhaitham nodded, as he waved his hand at him, Kaveh too waved his hand and parted ways with him, and Alhaitham on the other hand lowered his hands, as his expression darkened. Just what happened, wasn't this just a dream of his...? If he remembered it clearly it was when he...

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