Chapter 07

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Murtasim returned home and there was no one in his house today. Dadi and her father went to Meerab's house with a marriage proposal.
Murtasim's anger was increasing exponentially. Whenever he thought that Meerab didn't accept his love, instead she rejected him and left and again she loves someone else.

He punched the mirror in anger and shouted, "You're only mine Meerab. Only mine. Only I have the right to touch you and no one else. You will come to me of your own accord and that too very soon Meerab. Very soon."

His hands were bleeding and he had smashed the entire room. Then he started painting Meerab's picture with that blood and he had a terrible smile on his face.

Meerab was not letting go of Shahmeer's hand. She held his hand very tightly and still walked silently. It seemed unusual to Shahmeer.

"What's the matter Meerab, what happened to you?"

Meerab replied with a fake smile on her face, "What! Nothing happened!"

Shahmeer: I know you, okay? Tell me what happened.

Shahmeer placed both hands on Meerab's cheek and said,
"Look into my eyes and tell me what happened?"

Meerab: Shahmeer, you were right. I should not have been so free with that Murtasim Khan.

Shahmeer: Tell me what happened now?

Meerab: He proposed me today.

At first Shahmeer was a little angry and then he laughed and said,
"My Meerab is so Mayabi that anyone can fall in love with her.
Listen Meerab!!
You were mine, you are and you'll be mine always. Okay?"

Meerab: I'm afraid Shahmeer. Very much.

Shahmeer: Why? What are you so afraid of?

Meerab: There was a terrible sight in his eyes. He will not remain silent.,

Shahmeer: Meerab, we shouldn't waste our time wondering what he will do or not, okay? I will tell mumma today to fix our marriage this week. Marriage will be simple.

Meerab: But Shahmeer!

Shahmeer: No but-wat. Meerab, I don't want to lose you. I love you so much. If I lose you then I will die.

Meerab: Please don't say like that, Shahmeer. I also love you so much that I can't think of myself for a moment.

Meerab hugged Shahmeer tightly.
There was an unknown fear in her mind. The fear that Murtasim will watch everything silently or do something.

Love will win or stubbornness who knows what will happen!

Many big cars stopped in front of Meerab's house. The people of the neighborhood were surprised to see so many cars in front of Meerab's house. Many kinds of gifts, expensive things, many boxes of jewelry, sarees, fruits, sweets, various things were taken out of the car and taken to the door of Meerab's house.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Anita opened it and was wondering what she was watching.

Meerab's Abbu asked, "Who came Anita?"

"I don't know Abbu. Plz come here for a while." Anita replied.

Meerab's father came forward and saw them taking things inside the house without saying anything and keeping them without saying anything.

Meerab's Abbu: What is all this? Who sent these?

Murtasim's grandmother said from behind,

Dadi: These things are being kept at my word.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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