chapter one (prologue).

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JUNE 30, 2013

2:45 PM

"Thank you for the flowers," Taylor told Travis as she leaned into his car and placed a kiss on his lips. She couldn't believe this was happening. She was really about to embark on a new journey in her life. A journey where she would be loved and fully supported by everyone around her. 

"You're welcome, beautiful girl," Travis replied, kissing her again. "It's what you deserve." A smile crept to his lips just looking at her. Her eyes were filled with joy, which was not the case when he saw her again for the first time almost a month ago. These last few weeks at camp seemed to wash away a lot of the pain she was in. The pain that both she and their son were in. 

"Since you're leading this pack, can we stop for gas, please?" Taylor asked, putting an innocent smile on her face. 

"Yeah, sure. How much gas do you have?" He asked. Her answer determined just how far he had to go before he stopped. 

"Almost on E," she told him shyly. 

"Taylor, baby. What the hell?" He let out a little laugh. "We'll stop at the first exit." He told her. He took a hold of her chin and pulled her down into one more kiss. 

"Mommy!" Michael said form the backseat, once Taylor and Travis parted and she was about to walk away from the car and back to her own. 

"What-y?" Taylor asked, looking at her son over Travis' shoulder. 

"Can I have kisses too?" Michael asked. 

"Of course, you can." Taylor walked over to the other side of Travis' car, opened the door, hugged her son, and kissed him multiple times on his cheeks and forehead. "I love you; be good," she told him. 

"I love you, too," Michael replied. Taylor gave Michael one more kiss on his head. 

"Ross, do you need kisses too?" Taylor asked, laughing. 

"No, thank you," Ross replied, also laughing. 

"He doesn't, but I need one more," Travis said, rolling down the passenger side window. Taylor closed Michael's door and moved up a couple of steps. She leaned into the window as Travis leaned over the seat, letting their lips connect briefly. 

"Hey! Kiss later," Ross said, pushing the two of them apart. "Y'all have the rest of your lives to kiss each other. I don't need to be in the middle." Taylor laughed at Ross' words, ran off, and returned to her car. She picked the flowers up from her driver's seat and looked at them with a smile on her face. No other guy had ever given her flowers before, and Travis was just giving her flowers just because. 

"He's so sweet," Taylor said, looking down at the flowers as she got into the car. She played with some of the petals, a huge smile still on her face. She looked over at Kylie, who also was holding a bouquet of flowers. "You got flowers too! They're so sweet."

"Tay, flowers are the bare minimum. You just do not know what you are in for with that man. This is Level 0 for him." Kylie knew both Jason and Travis well, and she knew that Travis was the hopeless romantic of the two. If Taylor was in awe over flowers, she was going to have a heart attack when Travis went above and beyond. If Travis did nice gestures for the women he wasn't even fully interested in, there was no telling what he would do for Taylor, and Kylie was excited to see the things that he came up with. 

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