chapter five.

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JULY 1, 2013

11:23 AM

Everything at the lawyers office had gone smoothly. Taylor's adoption process was underway and Michael's name change was also going to be in the works. Soon they would be Taylor Marie Paine and Michael Lance Travis Kelce. The paper work had to be processed by a judge and was meant to take around 30 days to complete. Once everything was official, all that was left to do was to get names changed on official documents. Once they left the lawyers office, the second next stop was Target. Kylie was meeting them all there, since she wanted to help with helping Taylor decorate her bedroom.  Travis parked his car, and got out of the car and started to walk around to the passenger side.

"What are you doing?" Travis asked as he walked around the car, seeing Taylor already out of the car and closing the door.

"What do you mean?" She asked, a confused look on her face.

"Um, why are you touching doors?" He asked, her face still full of confusion. "Get back in the car," he told her.

"You're not serious," she said laughing a small bit.

"I am. Women don't touch doors," he told her.  "Go back. Get back in," he demanded gently. She shook her head and laughed as she did what he said. She got back into the car and closed the door. Soon enough, he had reached her side of the car and opened the car door.

"Why, thank you, you're such a gentleman," she told him as she took his hand and stepped out of the car. Travis smiled, pulling her into his arms. He placed a kiss on her lips that was longer than he intended it to be.

"Ew!" Michael said looking at the two of them.

Travis laughed as he and Taylor parted. "At camp you were all excited about us kissing, now it's gross?" Travis asked.

"It's gross now. We're not at camp anymore," Michael said, shrugging his shoulders. Travis shook his head, accepting defeat, and made sure his car doors were closed and locked, before he took Taylor's hand and they started to walk towards the entrance of the store. Michael ran to the other side of Taylor, taking her other hand. As they got into the store, they saw Lance, Tree, and Kylie standing by the shopping cart corral, waiting for them to come into the store.

"So we should break up into teams," Kylie suggested once they had gotten into the store. Both Tree and Lance were already shaking their heads at the suggestion but knew that this was a good idea to get things done more quickly and effectively.

"Girls versus Boys!" Michael said enthusiastically.

"Might just work, what do you think?" Tree asked Lance, looking at her husband, who had his hand over this face just slightly.

"Sure, why not? The faster we get this done, the faster we can get to the car dealership," Lance said, starting to see the true benefits of this harmless competition.

"And while you guys so pick out her new car, Kylie and I can go pick out furniture," Tree said, with a devilish grin on her face.

"My wallet doesn't like that smirk," Lance said with a deep sigh. Taylor grabbed a shopping cart from the corral.

"We can start with stuff for our rooms, then meet back up together for groceries," Taylor said, which Tree and Lance agreed with. Travis, Lance, and Kylie all grabbed a shopping cart. Michael stood on the side of the cart that Travis was pushing, just like he would have if he was with Taylor. That was his spot. He never wanted to be inside the cart, so standing on the side was his safe place.

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