House of Fun.

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"I don't even know if it's possible to make him angry. He seems quite, I don't know, relaxed. Like nothing bothers him," Yoongi replied.

"Well wouldn't that be nice. To be that chill, or whatever," Namjoon added. He was somewhat jealous of Dr. Park's calm demeanor. He wished he could also live in a perfect world that he created on his own.

"All I'm saying is don't be afraid to talk to him, okay?" Yoongi patted Jungkook's head before he stood up and stretched. He looked around and realized there was absolutely nothing to do. They never came across any kind of game room or a room with a TV.

"We're probably expected to entertain ourselves." Jin headed for the door. "We could go outside or something. It still smells like death in here."

The boys realized that it did still absolutely wreak in the building. Fresh air outside sounded nice. They followed each other out back, to what was presumably an old parking lot that was used when the building was actually more functional. The only thing outside was the horizon of dense trees on the outskirts of the property, and the weeds growing up through the cracks in the pavement. They couldn't even go out to explore the woods because the fence had them trapped inside.

The boys stood there, unsure of what to actually do.

"Wow, I'm having so much fun." Taehyung looked all around to see nothing of excitement.

"Tag, you're it!" Jin tagged Jungkook, and the younger immediately got started on chasing the others around. Even with nothing there to entertain them, they knew how to liven up the party when needed.

Dr. Park stood inside and examined them through a dusty old window. He kept himself hidden in the shadows so that the boys wouldn't see him watching. He was still holding the little notebook and pen he had brought to their first therapy session.

The one he never even wrote anything in.

His eyes followed the boys around as they ran. He lifted his finger and pointed to each one individually as he whispered the words of an old children's game that was used to select a person.

"Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

Catch a tiger by the toe.

If he hollers, let him go.

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe."

He repeated it many times, making sure to end on every single boy at least once.

Since they're all selected for this game.

He grinned, letting out a soft chuckle before deciding to go out and gather the boys so they could begin cooking dinner.


"Just because I'm good at cooking doesn't mean I enjoy it," Jin scoffed as he was filling some pots with water. Dinner would be light for their first night, as none of the boys were all that hungry. It'd been an emotional and exhausting day. Some ramen and pork belly was all they wanted.

"I can't believe you have trucks to deliver this kind stuff." Hoseok turned to Dr. Park, who was overseeing their cooking to make sure they didn't burn his place down.

"You're welcome." Dr. Park continued to walk around and keep an eye on everything. All of the boys were pitching in, whether it be setting the table, cleaning utensils, or cooking. The kitchen was shabby and dirty, a testament to how shitty the rest of the building was, but at least the appliances worked.

Once the food was ready, everyone sat at a small wooden table in an old dining hall. The room seemed too big considering it was meant for many tables and there was only one. It was a long, wooden, rectangular table like the type at big events.

The boys were trying to ask Dr. Park more about himself, except Jungkook, who chose to still remain quiet for the time being. The doctor wasn't willing to give away too much about his personal life.

That'd be too risky. He decided to change the subject back to them.

"I see you all found some enjoyment outside earlier. Warming up to the place, I presume?" Dr. Park asked. He sat at the head of the table as he scarfed down the savory noodles. For young kids, they aren't terrible cooks.

"Surprisingly! I can't help but notice it doesn't even smell as much anymore. Whatever was causing it must have finally subsided." Jin was glad he could finally breathe again without feeling like he was going to vomit.

"Hmm, yes. I suppose it has," Dr. Park replied. "Anyway, you'll find the longer you stay, the more fun you'll have." He winked at the boys before getting up to discard of his dishes. The boys weren't far behind, they ate and cleaned up quickly, ready to call it a night.

They all pitched in with washing the dishes and then headed up to their room. Dr. Park wished them a good night and retreated to his own area of the building, secluded and away from the rest of them.

The boys found spots on their beds and did their best to get comfortable, which turned out to be borderline impossible. They chatted for a bit about their day and how they were feeling before all of them suddenly started clutching their stomachs.

Collectively, none of them were feeling well.

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