Words I Couldn't Say.

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Dr. Park stepped out of the room without saying anything else. Yoongi and Namjoon were both angrily staring at each other. Hoseok stood up, trying to ease his own anger with deep breaths.

"Didn't know you think I'm turning into our father. Apparently I'm some kind of abusive alcoholic now too, huh? I don't even drink. And I've never hurt any of you and I never would. You know that." Namjoon didn't expect what his brother had said to hurt so bad, but he too saw his father as a terrible monster and to be characterized the same way really stung deep.

Yoongi honestly did feel bad for saying that. He had gotten so angry that he said whatever would piss Namjoon off in the moment. "I'm sorry. You know I didn't mean it like that but what you said was mean."

"You took it the wrong way. I wasn't trying to hurt you or Jungkook with what I said. Yes, I want that stupid thing gone. However, have I ever tried to destroy it? No, I haven't. I'm not a monster, Yoongi. I know what that thing means to him. At the same time, I also see what it means to dad."

Hoseok decided to join the conversation. "What do you mean by that?"

Namjoon dropped his shoulders and sat back down. "It's just another way for him to hurt us. He uses it to taunt and torture Jungkook every chance he gets, and then Yoongi always steps in and he just hurts him too." He couldn't even bring himself to look at Yoongi's black eye in that moment, it hurt too much. "Sometimes I just think everyone would be safer if dad had one less motive, that's all." Tears started spilling from Namjoon's eyes. "But I know how bad Jungkook's anxiety gets and how badly he needs it. Whether I act like it or not, I care a hell of a lot."

Yoongi caught Namjoon and Hoseok off guard when he suddenly started to giggle. "Yeah, I should have figured. I mean you're the one who named the damn thing in the first place. I mean seriously, Mr. Sniffles?"

Namjoon wiped his tears as he joined Yoongi in his laughter. "It's not my fault Jungkook cries into it so much. It seemed fitting."

Hoseok seemed to ponder something for a moment as he listened to his brothers giggling. "You know what I just realized? When is the last time any of us talked like this? I mean actually talked? As badly as that session ended, I can't help but wonder if being here will actually be good for us somehow."

"Well, we haven't been beaten up yet, so I'd say so far things aren't terrible," Yoongi replied. "But, uhm, Namjoon? We should probably go clear things up with the others. Who knows what they're thinking right now."

"Aish." Namjoon knew Yoongi was right. He wished the other three hadn't ran out so soon so they could have stuck around for him to explain himself. The three of them found Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jin hanging out in the bedroom. Jungkook scowled at Namjoon but didn't say anything.

Namjoon didn't waste a beat. He immediately began telling them the same thing he'd just told Hoseok and Yoongi. Thankfully everyone was quick to forgive once they realized he wasn't trying to be as malicious as he sounded.

"Now that that's cleared up," Yoongi went and sat next to Jungkook on his bed, "You're scaring the hell out of me. You haven't spoken since we got here. What's with that? I mean, I know you're shy but you just saw all of us fight in front of that doctor and he didn't do a damn thing about it. I already told you before that he won't hurt you."

Finally, Jungkook talked. "You don't know that."

"The boy speaks!" Jin cheered.

"He's a damn doctor, Kookie. He's not our father," Taehyung added.

"It'd be kind of interesting if he was though. Maybe this would be our house." Jin was always the one to try and add a little humor or lighthearted-ness when he knew his brothers were struggling. Unfortunately sometimes he went ignored.

"So?" Jungkook replied to Taehyung.

Yoongi ruffled Jungkook's hair. "I know you're terrified of strangers, but Dr. Park seems like a pretty good listener. You don't have to be afraid to talk to him."

The boys knew Jungkook suffered from a lot of social anxiety. Growing up, he never really talked to people. Taehyung always spoke up for him and was always happy to do it. It got a lot worse once their father started drinking and hurting them. If Jungkook said one wrong thing, their father made sure the boy instantly regretted it. It made Jungkook nervous to speak practically at all. The boy always feared that if he didn't say what someone wanted to hear, they'd attack him just like their father did.

Jungkook knew Dr. Park was there to help. Which was why it was so hard for him to open up. People in authority made him nervous. His brothers could reassure him over and over again that the doctor wasn't going to hurt him.

But a deep part of him still wasn't sure. He didn't trust people as easily as the others did.

"What if I say the wrong thing? What if I make him angry?"

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