Part 1

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Shyam Manohar Jha watched the scene unfold in front of him with anxious eyes. The goons he hired had surrounded a defenseless Arnav Singh Raizada and were very close to finishing him off. A few more blows and then it would be the end of Arnav's life and the start of happy days for Shyam.

The only issue was Khushi ji was also getting in harm's way. Despite his instructions, his goons were manhandling Khushi ji, and she too was trying to come to Arnav's rescue!

The picture turned in a few seconds. Until now when it seemed like Arnav was defenseless, suddenly got a lot of energy to fight and was overpowering Shyam's goons. Shyam toyed with the gun he held and contemplated pulling the trigger. He had successfully kept himself in the dark until now throughout the time that Arnav was held in his captivity.

However, what happened next took his breath away. Because his useless goons pushed khushi ji off the cliff!!! And suddenly no fight was left in Shyam.

Shyam followed Arnav's taxi as he took an injured Khushi ji to the hospital. When she was wheeled into an ICU, Shyam could not hold it anymore and came in front of Arnav. He had planned this for Arnav, it was supposed to be Arnav in the ICU if not morgue not khushi ji. And Shyam confessed all that in that weak moment. The rest of the Raizadas who had reached there at that point overheard it and within the next hour as Khushi ji came to her senses, Shyam was being taken away by the police.

The last thing he heard before they took him away was that Khushi ji had refused to recognize any one of the Raizadas including Arnav. The doctors were saying that due to the trauma of the accident, she may have forgotten her memories.

It was then that Shyam promised himself that he would come back and make use of this opportunity to win khushi ji again and destroy the Raizadas!


3 years later, London:

Packing bags was something he was very much used to by now. Having moved his residences quite a few times in the past years and then his frequent trips between London and Delhi, made him consider packing as a routine job.

Still, when he opened his wardrobe to select things to carry with himself, he felt unsure. Not only was he going to attend an engagement ceremony but also, he was going to meet a few people he had not met in a long time.

Kashish walked into his room at that point and seeing the empty bag lying open on his bed, she slapped her forehead in exasperation.

"Arnav Singh Raizada! Why is your bag not packed yet?"

Arnav's reverie was broken by her voice, and he gave a somber look. "I don't know what to carry."

She sighed. Walking over to where he stood, pushed him away and started selecting his clothes herself. Almost 3 years of knowing this man and he still was a mystery to her. A well-known sharp businessman, otherwise, he lacked basic knowledge of doing simple chores!

Taking a quick look at his wardrobe, she started picking a few shirts and suites.

"It should be me who is nervous for meeting them for the first time, but I have already packed my bag since the morning. And look at you." she kept blabbering as she packed his bag.

She was the only semblance of family for him in these years of solitude. He didn't say it to her ever, but he knew he could trust her. With his most revered secrets!

"Did you check if our flight is on time? And is your secretary going to pick us up from the airport?" her questions broke his chain of thoughts.

Arnav wordlessly pulled his phone out and dialed Aman.

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