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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ CHAPTER SIXTEEN ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌RISK❛ heard the risk is drowningbut i'm gonna take it ❜

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- ̥۪͙۪˚ CHAPTER SIXTEEN ˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
❛ heard the risk is drowning
but i'm gonna take it ❜

- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ CHAPTER SIXTEEN ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌RISK❛ heard the risk is drowningbut i'm gonna take it ❜

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"I beg your pardon?"

"Come with me to Dragonstone," Jace said once more, looking at Eudora. "It's impulsive and irrational but please think about it– you deserve so much more than what they've given you here." Come to Dragonstone? Was Jace out of his mind? Eudora could only think of all the wrong outcomes that could happen with this hasty decision. It was one thing to anger Alicent, but Aemond would go as far as to use Vhagar to prove a point not to come in between him and his schemes. The Stark slowly lets go of his hand, which makes the prince look at her, puzzled.

"I'm sorry, Jace," she says quietly, her eyes never meeting his. "Unless I have a definite reason to, I can't." Eudora then slowly walked away, holding in her breath as she wished Jace wouldn't say anything else. One more word from his mouth might move her to follow him.

"And what if I needed you?" Jace spoke, stopping Eudora in her tracks. She turned around to look at him, watching Jace as he hesitantly took a step towards her. "What if– What if I needed you there with me? It's selfish I know, but isn't that enough of a reason?"

"Jace," she began, but he only shook his head.

"Eudora I must come clean now before I lose the chance to once more," the prince continued. "I know we were only children when we met, we haven't seen each other in so long but I swear upon everything that morning, noon, and night I would think about you– about your letters, where you've been, what you've seen. All these years I hoped you were thinking the same thoughts as I've been thinking."

Jace paused for a moment, looking to see if her gaze was on him. Sure enough, it was, urging him to keep talking. "I know my blood is still of question, that Aemond could give you and Winterfell more riches than one could ask for, that even I'm not worthy of your presence, but Eudora Stark," he then said, gently taking her hand in his once more. "All my life has been questioned with no answers, abundant confusion, and yet you were the one certainty. I thought I lost you once, I couldn't bear the thought of not having you by my side. It's too soon to tell if you do feel the same way, I know that but—"

He wasn't able to finish his sentence when he felt a pair of lips on his. It took him by surprise but immediately he kissed the girl back, gently holding her face as he did so. They moved in unison, before quickly pulling away from each other. "I hope that clears your mind about how I truly feel about you." Jace smiled at her, but she continued. "Unfortunately now is not the appropriate time to discuss this— well, you know why."

"The walls have ears, I know," Jace laughed, causing the girl to follow. "Will you at least meet us at the Dragonpit? Vermax is able to take two riders." He questioned her. Eudora thought about it for a bit, before she started to nod as a response.

"Just let me gather a few things, then I'll be there."

She made her way back to her chambers, a small smile on her face. Thankfully no guards were in sight, the walk back was an easy few steps. It was when she entered her room that her problems escalated.

There sat Aemond, his hand playing with the knife he held. "And what brings you into your room so late at night?"

"I was–"

"Talking to the Velaryon? I figured, the walls do have ears, is that right?" Eudora furrowed her eyebrows at his words. "I'm not stupid, Eudora, did you really think I would let you get away with anything? Flying on dragonback with Rhaenyra's children?"

Eudora took a few steps away as he started to approach her, backing the Stark up against the door. She watched as he grabbed her by the chin, forcing her to look at his eye. "Now listen," he told her, leaning down by her ear. "I'll give you a few options. One, you follow your strong boy, fly to Dragonstone, and you'll never hear the end of it. Or two, stay at King's Landing— and maybe then I'll be nicer to my nephews. Isn't that what you wanted?"

"I want you to leave me alone," she sneered, which caused Aemond to laugh.

"That's not how we talk here," he told her, letting go of her face. "You have until their first dragon leaves the pit, I hope you know whichever you choose wouldn't make you happy." As soon as he finished his sentence he left, leaving Eudora shaking.

She couldn't feel her chin for that matter, that was before the numbness was replaced by a sore feeling. He held her with a force she couldn't fathom. At that brief encounter, Eudora realized something. That if she were to stay at King's Landing, that would be her fate— maybe even worse. The constant threats, the continued isolation, the never-ending cycle of her constantly trying to take a deep breath before pushing herself to go through another day. She's seen and heard what Aegon has done, and the Stark doesn't feel like taking chances with his own brother. The man she'd make fun of because a little boy managed to sever his eye, the man she constantly avoided and constantly irritated. If limits existed, Aemond was definitely reaching it.

The consequences did seem severe, for both sides of the coin. As a Stark, she couldn't let her principles go for the slight chance of freedom. But at the same time, who's to say she was truly promised to the one eyed man?

Whichever you choose wouldn't make you happy. Hell, what does Aemond Targaryen know about happiness? Her decision was clear, her choice was made.

Just like that, Eudora threw on her cloak and left.

(( 🫖 ))

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