Cynthia's POV
I lost myself somewhere in the darkness. How long has it been? A day? Two weeks? A month?
Heh, I don't even know... but I'm sure that I'm dead by now. My body feels numb, sore, like I was paralyzed in my spot and only to look up to the black and dark pit hole of the abyss.
It hurts...
I'm lonely.
I'm missing something very important to me.
What is it?
A sigh escaped from my lips. This was my third time already of being consumed within the darkness. Alone and isolated from the world. Am I really dead? Or am I just in my consciousness once again?
Unmei (Destiny/Fate)... was it? Shikata ga nai (No way to avoid it) .... Oh well. I just hope I was able to help and protect the world now. My life is done for. Right?
I felt a small smile to tug at my lips, my eyes getting heavier by the second, my body felt like it was about to collapse and crumble away. Is it time for me to go now? Was my body ready to vanish away?
I don't know.
"Ureshii... (I'm Happy)" I softly said, saying it to no one in particular but the darkness shrouding around me.
Loneliness is my least worry and thought right now... I can't be stuck on that feeling cause I know... that there's another world for me. Just itching and waiting for me to come over. A world that I can relax and be at peace. The most that I am worried and happy about at the same time, is saving the lives of everyone. Saving my family, my guild, those who are precious to me and love the most.
I used every bit of power of mine and that person... that person who lended me their strength in order to seal and top Kurai from dominating and destroying the world. I gently closed my heavy eyelids, ready for sleep to overtake me. I'm so glad I've got to be of use and protect everyone.
Now I'm ready to die at peace.
"Uso. (Lies)" a voice softly murmured throughout the dark abyss.
"Me lying? I'm not... I'm really happy." I answered back, not peeking an eye open.
"Iie. I know that deep in your heart, you're missing something very important and you're lonely. Aren't you my dear child." the voice said. It sounded like it was coming closer to me by the second.
"Something important and lonely... Hmph. I'm proud of protecting my comrades and that's what I'm prepared to die for." I answered.
"Open your eyes child."
I reluctantly but obediently obeyed to the command that the voice was calling out to me. My purple orbs slowly makes it way to flutter to see a bright white light to surround me. Vanishing the darkness away and to see a golden gate in front of me. Haven't I seen this somewhere before?
"Go through the gate..."
"I-I can't... my body won't move anymore... I'm paralyzed for how many days now. And why should I go through it, if I don't know you." I answered truthfully, wanting to inch towards the huge golden bars.
"It's a certain gate that would allow a few certain of people to go through this stage of will tell you what your heart most desires.." the voice popped up beside me.
"My heart desires?"
"That's right!" they chirped.
"My heart tells me that I'm prepared to die..." I whispered, staring down at the airy ground.

Don't Lose Hope. Sequel II. Sting x OC. [ON HOLD!]
FanfictionThe Sequel and the Second Book of "Don't Forget Me. Sting x OC" is finally here! After two good weeks and the completion of the finale of the last book... we will now know of what happened to Sting and the rest of Fairy Tail, after the fatal acciden...