madness is like gravity, you just need a push

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Izuku had spent his whole day just laying on his bed when his mother texted him. She asked if he could get some things from the shops quickly. Izuku replied with a thumbs up and got up. He quickly got dressed into some decent clothes. It was a bit cold out, so he put on a hoodie. He walked out of his room and grabbed the grocery money that him and his mother put near the door. Exiting his apartment, he slipped on his red shoes and put up his hood. His phone dinged with a new text, and he opened it. His mom texted him the list of things she needed. He sent a thumbs up and walked down the stairs.

On the way to the shops, he saw a cat dart into the nearby alleyway. He followed it, wanting to see if it was a stray. Walking into the alley, he saw the cat sitting on a metal garbage bin. He walked up to it and let it sniff his hand. Once it had, he slowly petted it. The cat had a collar, so it wasn't a stray, but he didn't mind. As he turned around, he came face to face with a man. He was not that tall and quite skinny, but his presence was still terrifying to Izuku.

"And what is a boy like you doing out here?" The man moved closer to Izuku, who in turn moved backward. This continued until Izuku was all the way up against the wall at the end of the alley. "Well are you going to speak, or are you a quiet one?" The man just laughed and grabbed Izuku's arm. He threw him to the side and then kicked Izuku's ribs. It hurt, and all he could really do was take it.

After a few kicks, the man seemed to get bored. "Why won't you scream? Ugh, this is no fun if they don't scream." The man walked away, and Izuku slowly got up. He saw a broken pipe and decided to grab it. He wasn't really thinking, but he ran behind the man and swang it over his head. This caused the man to turn around in surprise. He had a look of confusion in his eyes, which quickly turned to fear. "Hey, hey, let's be reasonable here." But Izuku wasn't hearing it. He kept swinging the pipe over the man's head until it was bleeding. The man was now on the ground. Izuku dropped the pipe and ran.

What was he thinking? He was an idiot. He knows why he kept swinging. All those built-up emotions just kept coming out. The man wasn't dead, Izuku could see that he was still breathing. But why, why did it feel good. Izuku felt a strange feeling. He liked how the man looked at him with fear. How he had pleaded. It felt good to be on the other end for once....No bad Izuku. Hurting people was bad.

He stopped at the small shop and walked in. He thought of something and then quickly ran into the restroom. He looked in the mirror, and to his relief, his face was clean. He examined his clothes and they too were clean. Walking into the store, he had realised that he could have blood on him, but luckily, he didn't. He neaten up his messy hair and pulled down his hood, then walked out the restroom.

After paying for the things, he walked out of the store. On his way home, he came by the alley, which now had an ambulance pulled up beside it. Izuku felt bad and continued walking by, but he also felt proud. Like it was him who had the power, him the quirkless deku did that. No bad Izuku. It was wrong. But then why did it feel good.

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