first day

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“Oh I'm so proud of you.” Izuku stood in front of his mom, who was helping him tie his tie. It was the first day, and he felt somewhat embarrassed that he didn't know how to tie one.

“Thanks mom. I should get going f i want to catch the train.” He gave her a quick hug and quickly grabbed his bag.

On the way to the station, he opened his text app on his burner phone.

7:06 [Quiet One]
Heading to U.A. now. Anything you
are wanting info on

[Giran] 7:07
See if you can find out if the
rumor of All Might is true.

7:09 [Quiet One]
You got it

He put away his phone as he approached the station. He got his pass and hoppedontoo the train that pulled up. The ride wasn't  only fifteen minutes long. He was just scrolling on his phone when he felt eyes on him. He looked up and saw a man looking at him. The man seemed to be trying to figure out who he was. Izuku immediately recognized the man, him being part of a gang that the Quiet One dealt with a few weeks ago. He knew he wasn't recognizable outside of costum,  but he still put on a fake smile and waved to the man, hopefully throwing him off.

The man continued to stare for a few more moments before he approached him. “Hey kid. You going to U.A.?” The man was obviously trying to get him to talk to see if he was the Quiet One.

Izuku put up his fake smile. “O-oh ye-yeah. Im i-in the general c-course.” He made sure that his stutter sounded real as he spoke,  and he saw the man's suspension fad,  and he nodded and moved away.

It was not good that he was somewhat recognizable in public to those who had seen him. He will have to work on th. He didn't want his identity revealed just yet.


The school wasn't even that impressive. Besides the massive doo, s the place looked exactly like any other high school. He found an empty seat by a window and put his stuff down. As everyone filed in and grouped up, chatting amongst themselves, he observed them. Looking out for obvious quirks in each of them, he listened into conversations where people introduced themselves. By the time the homeroom teacher came , n he had gotten a basic idea of what he was dealing with.

His homeroom teacher told them what they would be expecting, and then they all filed out to go to orientation.

It wasn't much, basically the principal welcoming back old students and welcoming the new ones. He did notice that one class wasn't there, 1A. Apparent, y their teacher always takes them out to do someso f quirk assessment.


After the orientation, his class headed back to their classroom. Once there his class all sat down in their seats, the teacher askethemrm to all introduce themselves. He started at the desk by the door and made his way down. Each person stood up, said their name and quirk.

When it got to h, m Izuku stood up and introduced himself. “He-hello, im I-izuku M-midoriya.” He kept the stuttering to keep up the mask. He sat back down, and some of the other students looked at him, confused as to why he didn't say anything about his quirk.

He saw the teacher look at the registration and make a slight face but quickly masked it. Seems he saw that he was least he didn't say anything like every other teacher he had ever had.

The rest of the students introduced themselves, and then the class started. Izuku focused on his work but did feel the eyes of some of his classmates digging into him. He decided to just ignore them.


The day went slowly. By the end of it, he felt like he hadn't gotten anything useful. That did change when he was walking through the halls with some of his classmates.

“I AM HERE.” And there he was, that stupid smiling He Man. He did act all excited with his classmates but hated it. A bunch of students started to swarm the hero, and Izuku got out his phone and quickly snapped a picture.

15:35 [Quiet One]
{Attached image}
Rumors true

[Giran] 15:36
Excellent. The client will be
happy to know.

[Giran] 15:37
Continue on to the next phase.

Izuku smiled and opened his phone email. He got every news outlet email he could find and sent them all the image. All through an anonymous email, with some details. The media will eat this up, swarming the gates of the school trying to get a scoop. It will be a perfect distraction.


“Mom, I'm home.” He entered his apartment to be met with the smell of food. He took off his shoes at the door and put down his school bag.

“Oh hello honey, how was the first day?” His mom came out of the kitchen to meet him. Embracing him in a hug.

“It was good, my classmates are nice.” He hugged his mom back. “Do you make food?”

“Oh yes, i thought you might be hungry after your first day.” She moved back from the hug, smiling warmly at him. She moved back to the kitchen, with Izuku following. The table was all set with some food. It wasn't a full meal, mostly just snacks. It was her way of showing her love, and he appreciated it greatly.

He sat down and started to eat. His mother sat down opposite him and also started to eat. As always, the food was good.

“So did anything happen?” He looked up to his mom, who was smiling at him. He noticed that she was rubbing her burn scars, something she did when she was nervous. Most be some news of the Quiet One case that was on the news this afternoon.

He felt a ping of guilt as he watched his mother nervously rub her scar. “Nothing much, it was more of an introduction day than anything.”

“Oh thats nice. Im glad you are happy.” He felt guilty. He was just going to leave out the part of All Might and also the looks he got when his classmates asked about his quirk. He didn't answer, but the teacher definitely knew and gave a look. It wasn't that noticeable, but he knew what they looked like, so he spotted it almost instantly. It was definitely going to be a long year.

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