As he had expected the news outlets ate up the information that the number 1 was teaching at U.A., so as he approached the school the next day the front gates were swarming with news reporters. Izuku smiled to himself as he walked into the school.
Walking down the halls, he noticed that everyone seemed to stare at him. He brushed it off but once he got to his classroom he saw the note. Seems like his quirk status got out. Of course the rich pricks at this school would be quirkest.
He took the note, read over the rude words then crumbled it up and threw it into the bin. As he sat down the rest of the class filed in. Some shooting him nasty looks and others looks of sympathy. He hated those the most, the people who look at him or apologise to him like his lack of a quirk was some sort of sickness. It sickened him.
Once the lesson began, he was able to tune out the whispers and glances.
Once the bell rang for lunch period, Izuku had fully clocked on to how many people knew about his quirk or more specifically lack of one. It seemed that most of the first years had heard of this, so as he walked the halls he could feel the glares and whispers and as always he just stayed quiet.
As he neared the cafeteria, he quickly sent a text to the client that he was in place and not even a few minutes later the emergency alarms went off. Just as he had expected all the students panick, some heroes they are. And using the chaos Izuku was able to slip away. Luckily he was right in thinking all the staff will be out trying to calm the press or the students so there wasnt anybody to see him as he stalked to the teachers lounge. He had to avoid cameras of course but other wise it was a piece of cake.
Once in the lounge he found the hero course scheduled. He quickly snapped a photo of it and left. He quickly found the panicking students and easily blended back in. It was some blue haired kid with glasses who managed to calm the crowd. Probably from the Iida family, based of those leg jets.
Once the panic had calmed, Izuku pulled out his phone and opened the chat with the client.
[Quiet One] 12:45
{Attached image}Izuku saw that the client saw the image and saved it. He smiled and closed the chat. Looks like the hero course are going to have some company.
Walking back to the cafeteria he got another message, this time from Giran.
[Giran] 12:50
The client wants you to come with on the attack.
You in?Well that will be interesting. Izuku thought about it, he did want to come with on the attack but he saw the schedule and knows that Bakugou would be there. He couldn't risk getting recognized. Although..... Izuku smiled to himself and responded to Giran.
Izuku stood in front of the crowd of villains, well they couldn't really be called that. They were more common street thugs then villains. He was wearing his villain outfit, it was a simple thing just some black padded pants, black combat boots and a thick black hoodie the hood pulled up. He wore a black mouth mask and goggles that provided a whole bunch of vision enhancements, the goggles let of a slight green glow.
He stood next to his client, a guy named Tomura Shigaraki, he was telling the street thugs about what they were going to do. There was a man made of a black smoke, he was called Kurogiri, he seemed to be the one who was going to warp everyone to the USJ.
Once Shigaraki finished talking, Kurogiri opened a portal of sorts and all the street thugs walked through. Shigaraki walked last shortly followed by Izuku. Izuku had managed to fake being sick and got a day off by his mother. Since she worked away from the house all day he was able to sneak out through his bedroom window.
As he exited the warp gate, he found himself in a large open dome. Standing at the far end were all the hero students of class 1A and two teachers. Hmmm, that isn't right. There should be three. He saw Shigaraki glance at him and he just shrugged. One of the teachers lept forward and started taking out the thugs. Izuku recognized him as Eraserhead.
Izuku walked over to Shigaraki and leaned closer to him.
"Get Kurogiri to warp the students across the arena." He saw that Shigaraki hesitated but then nodded to Kurogiri who did as he said."You said All Might would be here." Shigaraki was upset, Izuku could tell by his voice and how he scratched at his neck.
"I did, but it seems there was an element I was not aware of that has been played." Izuku turned to look at Eraserhead, who was taking down the thugs. He turned back to Shigaraki.
"That is Eraserhead, he erases quirks. The effect ends when he blinks. Crushing his head would also work, how strong is that nomu of yours." Izuku could see an exciting shine in Shigaraki's eyes before he points at the hero and calls on Nomu.
Izuku smiled under his mask and nodded to Kurogiri who opened a warp gate for him. Just before he steps through he meets eyes with Eraserhead just before he is caught by the nomu thing. Izuku then stepped through the warp gate and exited back in the old bar he had first met Shigaraki in.
He quickly removed his villain outfit and left the bar. He snuck back into his apartment through his bedroom window. He hid the bag containing his outfit under his bed and quickly made himself look like he was ill. Got to keep up the act after all.
He heard his mother come in and he got out of bed. He walked out his room to greet her, she smiled when she saw him.
"Oh hey, sweetie. How you feeling, you look so much better now." She walked over and hugged him.
"Yeah I'm feeling better too. I think it was just a 24 hour bug." He made his voice sound groggy as he hugged his mother back.
"Oh good, maybe you will be able to go back to school tomorrow." She ruffled up his hair. She walked into the kitchen to put away the groceries she had bought.
Izuku shuffled back to his room and flopped onto his bed. He pulled out his phone and opened his messages. He had a new message from Shigaraki.
[Client] 14:35
the idot finaly shoued up he beat nomu the other heros shoued up one shot meIzuku cringed at how bad the guys spelling and grammar was. He did manage to make our what was being said, All Might showed up and somehow managed to beat the nomu thing. Then the other teachers showed up and one, most likely Snipe, shot Shigaraki. Geez that must suck. Izuku knew that Shigaraki did not have any sort of healing quirk at his disposal, which ment that those shots would have to heal naturally.
He closed his messages and opened his phone email. He checked his untraceable account to see if he had any messages. His main request email was managed by Giran but any possible clients get sent to this email. At the moment he had no new requests. Wonderful, that ment he could rest for the rest of the day.

The Quiet One
FanficAll his childhood, he loved heroes, and he tried to love them for his whole life. He tried. He really did. He wanted to be like them, to be one of them, but it seems that them and the rest of society thought differently. They made it very clear that...