4: Every once in a while, life brings trials.

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4: Every once in a while, Life brings trials.

       Second and last day of the hearing.
3:00 am.

      " Every once in a while, life brings trials, but it's up to us to overcome it," said Adah, as she stood in her trial court.

The last trial had been hectic, she had pleaded guilty and self-defense.

Yet she was once again asked to render the happenings of the incident in court, the media were in the court room, Recording her words and filming her, many people of the town, country and even the world watched her from their homes, schools, workplace, phones, laptops, and televisions.

" My trials had been living through the times I did and I was able to face it head on," her eyes found the one she loved.

" I was able to live through it for that time and I thought I could keep enduring but I couldn't, my Mom had been angry that day, she hit me with a rod and Dad, Dad came, he was high, too high to see around me.

" He had a knife, he was about to the play the same game again, the game I knew all too well, he would get high and try to stab me, if I could be able to dodge it, he would leave me be, however things went awful, Mom got in his way and he got irritated and stabbed her.

" It had been a nightmare, I couldn't believe it, he had been living with her for long, I don't know if he loved her or not but what i did know was that he wouldn't hurt her, but the drug must have messed with his system, he must have taken too much if it.

" So much that he couldn't even recognize his wife from me,"

The Court room was quiet, even the dead's lawyer said nothing as they all listened to Adah's soft voice, Adah broke down, her lips quivered.

" I-i wanted to escape because I was scared but he caught me, dragged me by my hair and took me to the living room, he had taken off his belt, ready to hit me and rape me, ' I Will fuck you then I will kill you,' was what he said, but he had made a mistake, he dropped his knife.

" W-when h-he was raping me, h-he tried to strangle me and I needed to defend myself, I wanted to live, I wanted to overcome my trial and be free, s-so I did the only thing I could, I waited till he was deep in his enjoyment and I killed him, I stabbed him over and over again till he had his last breath," she exhaled.

The silent court kept their eyes on the girl, every single word she had spoken had a truth to it, there was evidence to back it up, everything was set.

Adah prayed in her heart that she went Scot-free, that he protected.

After lots if debate between the court, they decided," According to the Nigerian 1999 constitution, section - subsection -, Adah Adeyemo is found none guilty, you are therefore free from this day henceforth and you are free to go once your bail is paid," the head judge concluded.

" this case is closed," they added.

The court was dismissed, Adah, Ayah and Daniel jubilated, the only three who knew the secret behind the despicable couples death.

The following month was followed with lots of celebrations in the family, Adah and Ayah moved in with the Spencer's, Adah found a job a few months later.

Though it had been hard dealing with the prejudice and everything, she managed to get back on her feet.

Such things could not be forgotten though, especially by the victims, the Adeyemo's still plagued Adah's dreams at night, she had been tense, fearing they would return to her life and ruin everything for her.

She returned to her shell, she spoke to no one of her fear as Daniel, the only person she could tell was far away from her.

Drusillia returned to her life begging to be given a chance to make things right, she told them her story and pleaded with Adah.

Adah accepted her into her life, Drusillia helped her out of her shell, she helped her get therapy, helped her get drugs, treated her with all the love she had not gotten since she was adopted.

On the day Daniel returned from campus, Adah was by the door waiting for him, a wide grin on her face, she had just received admission to her dream University, that was why he returned to celebrate with her.

" Hey baby," he cooed, swiping her off her feet and twirling her, Adah laughed out as she clutched his tee, once he let her down, they shared a loving kiss.

" I love you," he said.

" I love more," she replied, pecking his lips.

" Let's go in, Mom is waiting for us," she stated.

" Sure," they both walked into the house, hands in hands, everyone knew of what was going on between them already, his parents weren't against, neither was Drusillia.

" How was your trip my boy?" Femi asked.

" It was lovely, I will be done with my training soon,"

Femi nodded, they chatted all through lunch, those were one if the most blissful days for Adah, she had never dreamt her life would change in about an hour.

She stood outside the door, hugging herself as she watched the moon," hey," Daniel hugged her from behind.

" Hey," she responded, leaning in to his touch.

" Are you okay?"

" Yeah,"

" Why are you quiet then?"

" Nothing, I just," she twirled around to face him," I will miss you,"

" Same here," he patted her cheek with his," everything about you,"

" We could get married before I leave, does that make me desperate?"

" No, it doesn't, let's get married. I can't wait to make you my woman and shower you the love you deserve,"

" But, don't you think it's too early? We still have a lot to learn about each other and we are still young too, I want to be sure it's you before getting married," Adah countered.

" Then wait, wait till you are sure it's me , then we can get married, I will wait for you okay?" He kissed her neck.

" Okay,"


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