A Decision That Can't Be Made

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This story is from an alternative universe where Obi-Wan and Satine got secretly married after the year on the run, just like Anakin and Padmé (just better). They're around 28 years this time.

Satine was doing her usual duty, meeting with magistrates, revising laws and rules, checking taxes.

After governor Almec left, Satine thought that her day would be over, but the guard at the door spoke out.

“Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi is here, duchess. He hopes for a quick discussion.”

“Oh.” Satine secretly tried to adjust her clothes and hair, then she rose from the throne and elegantly walked to the door.

“I will meet him in my quarters, since some of the notes and data he might need are there,” she explained.

The guard nodded, opening the door, letting her out.

There he stood, handsome as ever, a restrained smile on his face, his hands in the sleeves of his robe.

Her heart still fluttered every single time they met, despite the 10 years of marriage.

“Master Kenobi, what a pleasant surprise. What has brought you here?”, she asked in a formal tone.

“Duchess Satine, you're as beautiful as ever. I need some data about the last voting of the Senate where you helped Senator Amidala with some of the reasonings. I believe you may help her again.”

“Sure thing. Please, follow me to my quarters, I will hand you the datacard there.”

He nodded, silently following her. He couldn't wait for the privacy. She was gorgeous, truly, and the time apart drove him insane. Thank the Force that Padmé was in need of help, and that only Satine could be the one to ask for it. He didn't even have to lie.

Meanwhile, although her heart was leaping with joy at the sight of his, dark clouds of worry and fear shadowed her mind.

They reached her quarters, and as they stepped in and the door closed behind them, Obi-Wan immediately grabbed her by the waist, pulling her flush to him.

“Now I can finally greet you properly,” he muttered with a smirk and pressed his lips against hers.

She was a bit thrown back from his sudden actions. Not that she minded it, but it didn't feel right doing before telling him the thing that had been weighing her down for the past days, so she gently pushed him away.

He looked at her with a little hurt in his eyes.

“Obi-Wan, I must tell you something,” she took a deep breath. “So... You remember the Noknuh clan, right?”

When Obi-Wan nodded, she continued. “They have been voting against me in everything, trying to prevent me from making Mandalore and the system as peaceful as I want it to be. They don't like my ways of ruling either, so we've been facing this problem for years, actually, but now... They said there's only one way to solve it. And it is that...” she gulped, “if I marry... The head of the clan.”

As if ice was shoved down his neck, into his clothes. His hands fell to his side as he stepped back.

“W-what?” His voice sounded strangely distant.

“Listen, I know it sounds bad, and it is, but I haven't been able to figure out anything better-”

“You're not considering it... Are you?” He interrupted.

She sighed, rubbing her arm nervously.

“I don't see any other solution. I've been trying to think of an alternative to make the treaty, but I haven't found anything yet.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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